I’ve always been drawn to the classy look of pearl jewelry. I think it started with my admiration of my Grandmother’s pearl lapel pin. Then my Mom and aunt's pearl necklaces and matching earring sets grabbed my attention and before I was ten years old, I knew I’d someday have my own set of pearls. Fast forward to today, where I own several pieces of pearl jewelry. My newest addition is a lovely pair of stud earrings, from The Pearl Source Power Pearls curated collection of the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris.
Did you know that May is National Women’s Health Month? It kicked off last week on the 10th, for National Women’s Health Week, and continues all month. Sadly, I was so busy with work and family, that this observance went unnoticed until it was brought to my attention by the brand representative for today’s post! I decided to write 3 Simple Ways to Prioritize Women's wellness In May, not just for you dear leaders, but as a gentle reminder to myself.
Women’s Wellness in May:
As a busy WAHM of two professional young women, it is my honor to help them and all women celebrate today, International Women’s Day, and every day in March, which is Women’s History Month. Women uplifting and supporting other women is a passion of mine, so hosting a giveaway for a clean vitamins line that's easy to take was a natural fit because our health should be high on our list of priorities.
Superior Source Vitamins are Clean, Pure and Simple
Fall Break Travels Plans need Lucira Health Check It COVID-19 Tests
Is it a cold? Seasonal Allergies? The bug that's been going around your office or the kids' school? Or is it COVID-19? After three and a half years of living with COVID-19 in our daily lives, I'm sure we've all had that thought run through our minds. Thanks to at-home testing, we can find out the answer fairly quickly; and with fall break travel plans coming up, I wanted to introduce you to Lucira Check It COVID-19 Tests. You can test at home before you book that flight and have the results in 30 minutes.
Travel Safe and Sure with Lucira Check It COVID-19 Tests!
Hello and happy Friday! Is it just me, or has this week been exceeding long? I have been doing some decluttering, so that might be the root cause of my feeling this week was never going to end. Thankfully, we all made it to Friday and I'm excited to share this month's Friday Five!
Friday Five!
I know some people that find products and brands they love and they become loyal, repeat buyers. There are a few products and brands that have my completely loyalty, but that leaves lots of room for me to try new products, which I love to do! Especially, new beauty and wellness products. Over the last few weeks, I’ve been trying out new to me products and today I’d like to share eight new summer products to try with you.
New Summer Products!
The dog days of summer are upon us and there is no denying that it has been a crazy hot summer! The south is so hot and humid right now, there isn’t a lot of relief from it, which means I can and will break out in a sweat doing anything outside and hey, since we’re buddies, I can break a good sweat inside cleaning as well some days. The one thing that’s a constant in this weather (besides sweat) is sunscreen, which after multiple days of application, clog my pores and give my skin an overall dullness. Read on to learn about a line of bath and body products to help clear up summer breakouts and more.
Bath and Body Products you need this Summer!
You know those long summer days spent out on the water with friends and family that are so good you don’t want them to end? By the time you get back to your accommodations for the evening, all you have the energy to do is take a shower and lounge? Yeah- you know those kind of idyllic summer days! Well, I’ve got the perfect summer robe for those kinds of days. It’s a perfectly soft and delightfully functional robe for California Cowboy Apparel that I think you’re going to love as much as I do.
The Best Summer Robe:
Even though it's officially Spring for a couple more weeks, it sure feels like Summer here in the Nashville, TN. area, so I'm keeping the summer good vibes going with another giveaway this week as part of the Review Wire Media team. Let's talk brows and skincare friends. I'm always open to trying new beauty and skincare products and sharing them with you and I think you are going to like what you see from Joy Beauty. Read on to see how to have brows that wow the Joy Beauty Brow and serum Duo. There will be two winners on this one!
Recently, I started using coconut oil as part of my hand and nail care routine after receiving a big container of it from Viva Naturals, along with their MCT oil, which I wrote about here. I’ve used coconut oil in the kitchen for years, but for some reason, I hadn’t ventured into adding it to my self-care routine, but after seeing and feeling the moisturizing results of just a bit of this delightfully scented coconut oil on my hands and cuticles, I wanted to find more uses. Today, I’m sharing four ways to use coconut oil in your self-care routine, so you can enjoy a little TLC at home as well.
Add Coconut Oil to your Self-Care Routine:
Do you or a loved one suffer from back pain and sore and stiff muscles? If yes, then you’ve got to try one of my families favorite pain relievers, Salonpas. I’m teaming up with them again today to help celebrate freedom from pain by sharing their freebie, a coupon code, and a giveaway to try their whole line of products! Read on to learn more.
With another birthday nearing, I decided it was time to make my health and wellness a
priority by moving more, improving my sleep, and like many of you have
discussed on social media, I need to reverse some of the pandemic weight gain
so that I can fully enjoy summer. I read an article about taking a look at what
you do from the very moment you wake up and see if you can make positive changes.
For me that meant overhauling my morning coffee, so when Viva Naturals offered
to send me their MCT Oil for review, I took it as a sign to give coffee with
organic MCT oil a try.
MCT Oil in Coffee:
New Year, New Handbags to Love
My love of handbags started when I was in elementary school. One of my teachers carried this amazingly colorful patchwork Hobo handbag and I couldn’t keep my eyes off it! It hung on the back of her desk chair, and I wanted so badly to ask her about it, or better yet, own it. I asked for the same style of handbag for Christmas, but alas, I didn’t get it, because what third grader carries a handbag? My love of handbags has never wavered, so I was delighted to discover a new line of handbags to love in the new year.
New Year, New Handbags!
How to practice self -care in just 15 minutes a day
Hello and happy new year! I’m coming back from a fantastic holiday break feeling refreshed, renewed, and optimistic for this new year and all the good things it will bring. As work at home Mom who creates content for a living, it can be a challenge to find an actual pause in writing when the next holiday, event, or celebration is always right around the corner. It was the middle of December, and I was already fielding emails for Valentine’s Day. That’s when I decided I simply must allow myself to take time off. I figured out how to practice self-care in just 15 minutes a day and it did wonders for me, and I think it will help you too.
Give yourself 15 Minutes a day!
Gift Ideas for Moms and Daughters
Happy Friday friends! We are slowly inching closer to the most wonderful time of the year! Today I'm sharing a list that was fun and easy to put together since I’m a mom of two daughters that are 22 and 18. By this point, I’m basically a professional daughter gift shopper! I thought it would helpful to share some of gift ideas for moms and daughters that have been a hit in the past or are on gift lists this year.
Gifts For Moms and Daughters!
Reduce Muscle Pain after exercise with TENS
After the heat of summer, the cooler fall weather calls me back outside to enjoy daily activities like long walks, hikes, and more strenuous gardening projects. All of this is good for my mind, soul, and body, but sometimes I overdo it and experience muscle pain the next day. I was delighted to receive an invitation to try and review the newest TENS Massager and share it with you here. Since my husband has an older model and used it with great success for back pain, I figured this new model TENS would be a welcome addition to our pain relief arsenal and help reduce my muscle pain after exercising.
Pain Relief in Sight!
Do you suffer from headaches or Migraines? Green light lamp may help
My daughter has suffered from cluster headaches and the occasional migraine for years. It’s hard to watch someone you love suffer knowing there wasn’t many non-pharmaceutical relief options available. My daughter had done some research on green light therapy and put green LED’s in her room which offered some help. I was delighted to be asked to review the new Allay Lamp recently. If you or someone you love suffers from headaches or migraines, read on about the use of green light and the company making this innovative lamp.
Green Light Help!
Hello June and hello summer gardening chores! From pulling weeds, to mowing, to trimming trees, my husband and I are working outside to spruce up our landscape most every weekend now. I love living this semi-rural lifestyle, but trust me when I say, there is a lot of hard work and upkeep involved and more often than not, our hard work has us both saying we have a backache by the end of the day. Thankfully, we’d discovered the benefits of using Salonpas products years ago, so when I was asked if I would help spread the word about Salonpas Day where they give away free patches I happily agreed! Read on to see how you can ease back pain with a free Salonpas patch this month!
Our Freshly Mowed Backyard!
5 Lovely Mother’s Day Gift Ideas You’ll love to give and Receive
Around this time each year, my husband and daughters start
asking for gift ideas for Mother’s Day. Each year I might give them hints, but
I don’t come right out and tell them to buy me something, because I want to be
surprised! This weekend when I was asked again what I want for Mother’s Day, I
decided to create a lovely Mother’s Day gift ideas I’d love to give and receive
post in case you need a little inspiration as well or have family members
asking what you’d like to receive.