Showing posts with label books

Win Your Outdoor Room Design a Garden you can Live in Book

in , , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Saturday, July 06, 2024

Happy July my friends. I’m getting back into the swing of things after a little vacation, and I can’t think of a better way to kick the month off than with a book giveaway! I’m excited to share Your Outdoor Room by Manoj Malde, a beloved BBC TV show and author with you here today.  

Happy July Book Giveaway:

Your Outdoor Room by Manoj Malde

A few weeks ago, I got accepted into Storey’s Ambassador program and had the opportunity to make my spring book selections. I chose three titles and today’s post is all about the joy of bird watching from Clare Walker Leslie’s How to Look at a Bird book and because we just enjoyed the unofficial start of summer, I’m sharing Storey’s Splash into Summer Book giveaway!

Open Your Eyes to the joy of Watching and Knowing Birds:

How to Look at a Bird Book

We are in the home stretch of October, and for parents with younger kids, I wish you a happy and safe Halloween. As for me and my crew, this will be the first year without family plans. Such is the life of an almost empty nester. Don’t feel bad for me though! I’ve got lots of fun holiday coverage that I think you'll like! Everything from helpful gift guides to home decorating to baking!  Let's cue the holiday playlist and talk about a lovely book I recently received to review: French Country Cottage Christmas! Want to win a copy? Read until the end of this post for details.

Holiday Inspiration Found!

French Country Cottage Christmas Book

Having watched the slow cognitive decline of my mother-in-law a few years ago, I was highly interested in learning all I could from this cookbook.  According to the front flap of the book, the foods we choose to eat (or not) sit at the core of the Alzheimer’s epidemic. Those are powerful and hope-filled words!  Author and chef Annie Fenn, MD, makes a compelling case for this thinking in The Brain Health Kitchen Cookbook. 

Preventing Alzheimer’s Through Food:

The Brain Health Kitchen Cookbook

Hello Autumn Book Giveaway and Blog Hop

in , , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Wednesday, September 06, 2023

 Since Monday was a holiday, and for many,  the unofficial start of Autumn, I thought today would be a perfect time to join my Review Wire blogging buddies and their Hello Autumn giveaway hop in which I’m giving away a copy of the book Compost Coach by Kate Flood. 

Hello Autumn Book Giveaway and Blog Hop:

Hello Autumn Book Giveaway and Blog Hop

My thanks to Quarto Books for the complimentary copy of The Compost Coach Book for review purposes and for hosting a giveaway.

April in Tennessee is a sight to behold, especially if you love seeing trees in bloom. I have wanted to take the three-hour drive from Nashville to Knoxville for the annual Dogwood Trails and Gardens tour in all four corners of Knoxville. Armed with the 100 Things to Do in Knoxville before you Die book, my husband and I have plenty of options for a splendid day or weekend trip right at our fingertips. Read on to learn more about this fun resource.

Let's go to Knoxville!

100 Things to Do in Knoxville before you Die book

Confession time, I didn’t read one YA book last year! Looking back over the titles I read and reviewed in 2022, I saw I’d shared lots of self-help, how-to’s  and gardening books instead. Don’t get me wrong, I adore those genres and will continue to share them, but I also want to add some other genres to the mix, including fun YA titles. Today. I’m reviewing my first YA book of 2023, Sugaring Off, by Gillian French. This is my first book of hers I’ve read as well, but hopefully, I’ll be sharing more of her work this year. 

First Book Review of 2023! 

Sugaring Off by Gillian French

Happy December Giveaway: Win 7 Nat Geo Kids Books

in , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Thursday, December 01, 2022

Happy December everyone! I love all the holiday merriment this month brings, so I had to join in with the oh so merry Review Wire Media team to bring you this happy December giveaway for seven Nat Geo Kids books! Truth be told, I love reading these books as well and I always learn something new. Read on to learn more about the books and how to enter to win.

Nat Geo Kids Books Giveaway:

7 Nat Geo Kids Books giveaway

A Garden for Grace Book Review and Giveaway

in , , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Thursday, July 14, 2022

 I receive a lot of emails on any given day asking me if I’d like to review books that cover a wide array of genres, and usually, I can tell from the email copy if I’m interested. If you've been around my blog for a while, you know I love gardening and flowers and books- most especially, books about gardening and flowers! so of course I happily agreed to review and host a giveaway for a Garden for Grace, which is simply one of the sweetest books I’ve read in a long time.

A Garden for Grace Book Review and Giveaway:

A Garden for Grace Book

Summer is officially here and you may be looking for a low/no-tech activity for you or your kids. Why not try your hand at sewing? I learned the basics of sewing during a semester in Home Economics and from my Mom, but I am by no means a seamstress. I happily said yes when I was asked if I’d like to review The Ultimate Illustrated Guide to Sewing Clothes by Joi Mahon because I'd like to learn to sew.

This book is a complete course on making one-of-a-kind clothing and I’m excited to share this first step in advancing my sewing capabilities.

Learn To make one of a kind Clothes:

Learn To make one of a kind Clothes

How to grow ornamental and edible plants together

in , , , , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Friday, April 15, 2022

Yesterday was National Gardening Day, so I couldn’t miss that wonderful opportunity to share another wonderful gardening book review and giveaway with you today. You know I love growing flowers and herbs, but for the last few years, I’ve been wanting to grow more edibles and have Googled How to grow ornamental and edible plants together many times over the last year or so, so imagine my delight when I received the opportunity to review garden designer Linda Vater’s newest book that teaches us how to pull this gardening style off. Read on to learn more about the book and enter the giveaway.

Grow ornamental and edible plants together

The Elegant and Edible Garden book

Happy Friday and happy Spring friends! Are you excited to welcome in the season of growth, hope and renewal? I always look forward to spring and have been dreaming of all the flowers and herbs I’d plant this year, but at the end of the growing season last year, I knew I needed to find a better and easier way to keep the weeds from taking over and turning my gardening time into such a chore. Like a beacon of hope, I received a book called The Regenerative Garden, which has 80 DIY permaculture projects for the home garden and the biggie for me is a way to reduce weeding! Read on to learn more and to enter the giveaway to win a copy of the book!

Home Garden Help!

80 DIY permaculture projects for the home garden

With Valentine’s Day arriving on Monday this year, I know a lot of married couples are celebrating this weekend, instead of trying to juggle a weekday date night. In fact, my husband and I just had a great day date and plan to have a simple evening at home of Monday. To some this may sound boring- but trust me, if done correctly, you can still find ways to add romance and a little spark to these at home celebrations. If you need a refresh on the art of flirting like you did when you were dating your spouse, this book is for you. Read on to learn about The Flirtation Experiment and how to win a copy.

Spark up your Marriage!

The Flirtation Experiment book


We’ve finally made it to the end of January, and we can officially start the countdown to spring! With only 48 days of winter left, it’s time for us to start planning our gardens, which is one of my favorite winter activities. If you’ve read my blog or social media posts, you know I love flowers. I’m a cottage garden girl all the way! I lost a few plants last year including one of my oldest Peonies to some sort of infestation, so this book Attracting Beneficial Bugs to your Garden has come at a perfect time for me. I’ve been studying it on chilly winter nights and taking notes during my lunch breaks to better prepare myself for the gardening year ahead. Read on to learn more about gardening bugs (the good and the bad) and enter to win our first giveaway of the year!

Spring Is Coming!

Attracting beneficial bugs to your garden book

With Thanksgiving drawing near, I thought it would be a perfect time to start sharing some of my favorite gift ideas. I’m starting off with some fun non-tech gift ideas and will be sharing a few more gift lists throughout the weeks to help you get ready for Black Friday shopping and beyond. Read on for some fun gift ideas in the Books and Non-Tech Games for Kids category.

Gift Ideas for Kids!

Gift Ideas books and non tech games for kids


Hello and happy Friday my friends! I am so excited to be sharing this whimsical set of books with you today, just as kiddos head back to school. I was so excited to receive this special invitation to read the Norman The Interested Cat Book Series by Cheryl Cage. It’s a set of 4 hardbound books that teach kids  important lessons on friendship, feelings and more. Read on to learn all about Norman and his friends and how you can win this set for your home library.

Meet Norman and Friends!

Norman The Interested Cat books

 I can’t believe we are in the middle of July already. With the sultry summer days upon us, adding more plants outside may not sound appealing, but these two books can help. The first book, Micro Food Gardening will show you how to plant tiny plants that will grow and thrive in small spaces like windowsills and front porches or stoops. The second book, Tiny Plants, will welcome you into the world of miniature house plants that will thrive in small spaces too. Read on to learn how to enter the giveaway for these two small, but mighty gardening book resources.

Two Books Giveaway!

Micro Food Gardening and Tiny Plants Books

My family and I love shopping at our local Aldi grocery store. No other grocery offers me the same quality produce, meat, and dairy, plus a wide and varied selection of organic products all at affordable process. I can’t sing the praises of this store enough, so I was delighted when I was asked if I’d like to receive a copy of The Unofficial ALDI®  Cookbook to review and host a giveaway. Read on to learn about Aldi and enter the giveaway.

Aldi Store


Around this time each year, my husband and daughters start asking for gift ideas for Mother’s Day. Each year I might give them hints, but I don’t come right out and tell them to buy me something, because I want to be surprised! This weekend when I was asked again what I want for Mother’s Day, I decided to create a lovely Mother’s Day gift ideas I’d love to give and receive post in case you need a little inspiration as well or have family members asking what you’d like to  receive.

Lovely Mother's Day Gift Ideas


February with it’s cold, dreary winter days always makes me yearn for spring. I know I’m not alone in this need for warmer temperatures to arrive and wipe away the last bit of winter, but we have a few more weeks to wait until spring shows up. Now is the perfect time to start your gardening plans if you haven’t already. I’ve got three books to share with you in the next few weeks that will help with that. Today’s book review and giveaway is all about Spices and how you can grow them no matter where you live.

Grow Your Own Spices at Home!

Grow your own spices book