Last month I had the opportunity to try and new to me soup company and I’m still eating and loving their soups.  I've been raving about them on my socials, so naturally, I wanted to share this amazing soup with you here on the blog. I know there are lots of busy Moms here with younger kids and tight schedules, who more often than not, eat a quick bite here and there. Today, I’d like to offer you a way to upgrade your at home lunch with a healthy, heat and eat bagged soup. It is a game changer!

Lunch is Served!

Soup and sliders for lunch

Happy Friday friends! I’m so excited that spring will officially arrive in just 23 days! To help me get through the cold, dreary days of February, I’ve started a few cleaning projects early this year. One chore that we may often overlook in the cold months are our ceiling fans. I clean mine every season and it is a time consuming, messy task, so I was intrigued when I got an email asking if I’d like to try a new ceiling fan cleaning tool that stops the mess. Read on to learn all about the Blade Butler and enter to win one!

Time To Start Spring Cleaning!

How to clean ceiling fans without a mess

With Valentine’s Day arriving on Monday this year, I know a lot of married couples are celebrating this weekend, instead of trying to juggle a weekday date night. In fact, my husband and I just had a great day date and plan to have a simple evening at home of Monday. To some this may sound boring- but trust me, if done correctly, you can still find ways to add romance and a little spark to these at home celebrations. If you need a refresh on the art of flirting like you did when you were dating your spouse, this book is for you. Read on to learn about The Flirtation Experiment and how to win a copy.

Spark up your Marriage!

The Flirtation Experiment book

Happy first Friday of February friends! I’ve had a very productive week, which means most days I was eating lunch on the fly and grazing my way through the afternoon until I’d cook and eat a proper dinner. Do you know those kinds of busy days where you eat a hand full of almonds here, and an apple there? I decided today I was going to treat myself to a proper lunch, so I used the leftovers from last night and made a Roasted Red Pepper BLT Wraps for a quick lunch. It was so, so good! I want to share this simple lunch idea with you and give you a chance to win some wraps too.

Quick Lunch Wrap:


Roasted Red Pepper BLT Wraps


We’ve finally made it to the end of January, and we can officially start the countdown to spring! With only 48 days of winter left, it’s time for us to start planning our gardens, which is one of my favorite winter activities. If you’ve read my blog or social media posts, you know I love flowers. I’m a cottage garden girl all the way! I lost a few plants last year including one of my oldest Peonies to some sort of infestation, so this book Attracting Beneficial Bugs to your Garden has come at a perfect time for me. I’ve been studying it on chilly winter nights and taking notes during my lunch breaks to better prepare myself for the gardening year ahead. Read on to learn more about gardening bugs (the good and the bad) and enter to win our first giveaway of the year!

Spring Is Coming!

Attracting beneficial bugs to your garden book

My love of handbags started when I was in elementary school. One of my teachers carried this amazingly colorful patchwork Hobo handbag and I couldn’t keep my eyes off it! It hung on the back of her desk chair, and I wanted so badly to ask her about it, or better yet, own it. I asked for the same style of handbag for Christmas, but alas, I didn’t get it, because what third grader carries a handbag? My love of handbags has never wavered, so I was delighted to discover a new line of handbags to love in the new year.

New Year, New Handbags!

New Year New Handbags