Showing posts with label FamilyLife
August is a bittersweet month for families with college bound kids. While we are extremely proud of their hard work and scholastic accomplishments that got them accepted into their college of choice; the thought of actually leaving our kids in a dorm room can be heart-wrenching. 

We moved our daughter to a local university campus two weeks ago and I’m still adjusting to not having her sweet presence at home every night! I know that we are lucky to have her attend a local college, but like many parents, we were searching for a way to offer our support and encouragement in a tangible way and I found it with SoulFeed. Read on to discover how you can send care packages that nourish body and soul. 

Nourish the body, feed the soul. Care packages #ad SoulFeed

Buying a new vehicle is a long and sometimes, highly frustrating task. Beyond all the hype of TV commercials and radio spots from local car dealers, we all want a place that will answer all of our questions quickly and honestly.  After a recent trip to the shop, we are thinking it may be time to trade in my beloved minivan and so starts our questions. 

This is a sponsored post on behalf of I will receive a promotional item to thank me for my time. All opinions are mine.

American made Jeep found at #CarsCom #ad

Talks about money, whether the topic is earning it, saving it, or spending it have been in heavy rotation the last couple of weeks here at our home because oldest has graduated from high school and will be attending a nearby university in the fall. 

my happy high school graduate
The hair we were born with can bring on a complex set of feelings.  We love it or hate it by turns. Get 5 women or girls in a room and ask them to talk about what they like or dislike about their hair and you’ve got a fantastic conversation starter. That conversation could last for an hour as each takes her turn sharing a hair story. Until recently, I hadn’t considered adding a wig to my hairstyle story, but thanks to today’s sponsor, Divatress, I’ve learned their products make it easy to change your look and hairstyle without cutting your hair.

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Divatress. I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation.

mom and daughter hairstyle date

Wordless Wednesday: Night Lights

in , , , , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Wednesday, June 07, 2017

deck lights at party #summer

Moon and clouds #nightlights

bonfire #nightlights

Please share in comments: Which is your favorite night light?

Mother’s Day is almost here and I just had to share a great gift idea that I recently discovered while working my other job as an Avon Representative. I know most of you have heard of this iconic beauty brand, but do you know the giving side of Avon? The Avon Foundation for Women launched its Speak out against Domestic Violence program back in 2004.  One of its main pillars is to fund shelters across the United States that provide safe spaces for women and children in imminent danger where they can heal emotionally and physically, move toward self-sufficiency, and learn positive coping skills.

Avon Reps at Sanctuary for Families New York

Wordless Wednesday Treasuring family time

in , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Wednesday, December 28, 2016
It's the last Wordless Wednesday post of 2016. I hope you are treasuring family time today right on through to the new year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Kinsman's #Nashville
Treasuring family time

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #Sponsored #WhatMonthlyPain #CollectiveBias

This time of year is all about the kids and making memories that the whole family will treasure for years and years. But setting aside special bonding time with my seventeen-year-old daughter has gotten trickier this year as she navigates her senior year of high school and prepares for college. I brainstormed for fun ways to spend quality time with her and found to my delight that several ideas came to mind simply by thinking of her likes. Read on to see if my ideas will help you too.

Spending quality time with my teen daughter #outside #WhatMonthlyPain #ad

1. Do what your teen likes with them:

One of the easiest ways to spend quality time with your teen is to do what they like with them. My daughter loves being outdoors. Whether it’s going for a jog or a walk, helping with yard work, or taking photos, she is always happy to put on her shoes and head out. Going for a walk around our property is a special time for me, and I hope for her as well. Sometimes we walk in companionable silence and other times we talk over the birds. 

Holiday and family traditions keep your teen engaged and happy

2. Let your teen take point on activities:

We decorate for Christmas together every year and no decking the halls will be done without Christmas carols at our house, so I asked my oldest to pick our tree-trimming music, which she was only too happy to do.  Then she and I hung the garland together while singing and chatting to kick off our night of holiday decorating.  By suggesting my oldest take point on a couple of our holiday traditions, I’m showing her a little extra TLC which helps keep our teens engaged and in the moment. Notice there aren't any phones in this photo which is a total win! 

Manicure time with my teen daughter #WhatMonthlyPain #ad

3. Show your teen some extra TLC:

My next fun idea presented itself when I overheard my daughter state that she wanted to do her nails before school the next day, but wondered if she should get a jump on homework instead. Knowing that her schedule has been so full, I offered to give her a manicure, saying I’d love to spend more time with her. 

Showing my teen some extra love by doing her nails

Sometimes our almost adult children need us to take the lead and allow them to revisit activities that were fun for them when they were younger. I always loved doing my daughter’s nails, but as soon as she got old enough to do them herself, I stopped to allow her to grow independent. Doing her nails for her is a love gift that we both enjoyed.  

Advil menstrual helps your teen say #WhatMonthlyPain #ad

Being a teenager on the cusp of graduating high school is an exciting, wonderful, and yes, stressful time for my older daughter, so the last thing I want her to fret about is menstrual pain. Sure, she’s almost an adult and could push on through, but thankfully, there’s a new product I found at Walmart. Advil® Menstrual Pain can help her stay on her regular, busy routine and even add in some more fun activities, so she’ll be saying, “What monthly pain?”When used as directedAdvil ® Menstrual Pain can alleviate aches, pains and headaches she may have during this time. 

I can feel confident about her taking this product because Advil ® Menstrual Pain is caffeine-free, antihistamine-free and easy to swallow. Many other menstrual pain relievers contain caffeine, which can make it difficult for our daughter’s to fall asleep if taken at night, or antihistamines which can make them drowsy during the day.

Find Advil Menstrual Pain at Walmart #ad #WhatMonthlyPain

Finding Advil® Menstrual Pain at Walmart is easy. Just head over to the pain relief section and look for Advil. My store had the menstrual pain tablets on the bottom shelf. My daughter was thankful I found them and that we got to spend quality time together. I think she enjoyed the extra TLC as much as I enjoyed giving it.  I plan on continuing to find ways to bond with my teen daughters and will share this product with my younger daughter too. 

Please share in comments: Do you have a teen daughter? How do you like to spend quality time with her? 
This is my third year as an ambassador #GivingTuesday,  the global day of giving back to our community, or the world depending on which causes and organizations you choose to support. My family and I choose to support globally during most of the year, but during the holidays, we love to give our support locally. Read on for my three easy ways to give back starting today.


1. Donate Funds:
The first way we give is by putting a donation in nearly every Salvation Army bell ringers collection. Sometimes it’s just the change in our hands from our recent shopping trip. Other times we give a more meaningful amount, it really depends on where we are in our lives. Every little bit helps!  We smile and thank  the volunteers who are out in all sorts of weather promoting the Salvation's Armies promise to America to “Do the most good”. Our daughters, now in their teens,  have watched us do this so often over the years, that now they reach in their purse or pockets to see what they can give as well. This makes us very proud parents because we never asked them to give, they want too.  If you would like to learn more about volunteering this holiday season as a bell ringer, please visit where you can do a search to find local volunteer opportunities. 

2. Donate Food:
Feeding America #GivingTuesday

The second way we give is by supporting local food banks. The need is greatest this time of year, second only to summer when kids are out of school. The idea of not having enough food is a scary and growing situation on our country.  It’s hard to fathom that 42 million people in America face hunger each day- that’s 1 in every 8 Americans!  Sadly, school age children are the most severely affected by hunger. 
One of the easiest ways to help is to look for a collection bin at your local grocery store and put one of your BOGO’s in it all year. If you have the resources, perhaps you can adopt a family in need off of the giving tree in your community.  My local stores have them up all season. If your grocery store doesn’t, just look up your local food bank at Feeding America  and ask what they need.  

3. Donate Time:

Volunteer #GivingTuesday

Last but certainly not least, we want to help seniors in our community this year. I’m contacting a local assisted living community today to see how we might help brighten residents days. Simple acts like visiting for 30 minutes, smiling and saying hello to each resident we see, writing greeting cards for a hallway of residents, giving out free hand massages since I’m an Avon lady.
If you don’t have an assisted living center in your community, contact your local senior center or visit the National Center on Aging  which has a wealth of resources to help you plug in and help.

More Ways to help:

find local events #GivingTuesday

My three ways of helping may not be the best fit for you, so I invite you to visit the #GivingTuesday website where you can find countless ways to get involved today, next month or next year.


The one thing you can give freely, multiple times a day is your smile. It costs you nothing, but to the receiver it may mean everything, especially in our social media savvy world! Look up from those phones when you are in public and Smile! Speaking of smiling- are you following me a.k.a. ismilefirst on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest? I'd love for you to join me! 

Please share in comments: Which way do you and your family help give back to your community?
We have finally reached November, and with that we welcome in the holiday season. For most of us, that means GO time. We take out our planners and phones and we start juggling. We vow that this year, we will wag more, and bark less! We promise we will be one cool-as-a-cucumber, organized lady from now until New Year’s Day! And then reality sets in and we start to feel a little less confident in our superwoman capabilities! Even more so if we have LBL (light bladder leakage), which can cause an entirely different type of stress altogether. 

This is a sponsored post for Acorn Influence. All opinions are my own. 

Maximize shopping trips list

I’ve touched on LBL a time or two in the past here on my blog because I feel it is such an important topic that shouldn’t be taboo. Over the course of this year, I’ve experienced LBL while doing strenuous gardening, to my dismay, and also when making myself wait too long to find a restroom. I kept telling myself, I’ll get just one more item off my list and then I’ll break for the bathroom. Sound familiar?

One shopping trip to @Walmart and I'm done! #ad #PoiseLinerLove

Since then, I’ve devised a new way of shopping. Armed with my master shopping list (that my family helps keep current), I decide what local store would have most, if not all, of the items on that list. More often than not, I find myself shopping at my local Walmart. Not only does most Walmart’s have two convenient bathrooms at the front and rear of the store; I love that I can pick up lettuce for a salad, boot socks for the kids, a holiday card and my newest accessory, Poise Microliners, all in one shopping trip. 

Another tip I’ve started implementing is writing out my shopping list in the order I’ll find products in the store. So worth the prep time when you don’t have to walk all the way through a store again for a forgotten item! That’s saves me time, which helps me be stress-free

#PoiseLinerLove found @Walmart #ad

Ladies, if you are starting to experience occasional LBL like I am ‒ it’s time for you to make the switch from your regular pantyliner to Poise Microliners. The lightest absorbency liners are just as thin as my regular brand of pantyliner, and just as cost-effective. I got this two-month-supply box at my local Walmart for $4.68. I found the liners on the top shelf, but you’ll see the whole line of Poise near the feminine care aisle. 

Make the switch to #PoiseLinerLove @Walmart #ad

One thing I noticed right away when I made the switch was I couldn’t feel a difference at all! Poise liners have thin-flex technology, so they move with your body and they stay put in your underwear, too. They offer 3-in-1 protection: dryness, comfort, and odor control, making them my perfect go-to liner from now on. Each box comes with a number to help you efficiently and discreetly choose which product is best for you. 

If this is your first time purchasing Poise liners and you don’t want to stand in the aisle reading each box, I suggest visiting, where you’ll find helpful information on all the Poise products they carry. 

By setting aside time each week to think through what you need to accomplish, making a master shopping list, routing your path through the store and using your new accessory, Poise liners for LBL, you should be able to maximize your shopping trips for a stress-free holiday season. 

Let’s all endeavor to wag more, bark less, enjoy more and stress less this holiday season.

Happy Holidays!

Please share in comments: What’s your best holiday shopping tip? 

Vicks Winter Wellness Care Package Giveaway

in , , , , , , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Thursday, November 03, 2016

Before we know it, the cold and flu season will be here again, so now is the time to restock your families care package supplies. I have relied on Vicks VapoRub for years and years, taking the advice of my Mom to always have a tub on hand for sniffles and stuffy noses. Today, I'm partnering with a great group of bloggers who want to make sure you are prepared for the cold and flu season too.

Vicks Winter Wellness Care Package

Welcome to the Vicks Winter Wellness Care Package Giveaway!

Hosted by: Southern Mom Loves

One winner will receive a Vicks Winter Wellness Care Package (ARV $131) to help you stay well and feel better all though the winter. Holly from Southern Mom Loves received a Vicks winter wellness care package and came up with her 6 Best Tips to Avoid Getting Sick. Check it out here.

The care package includes:
  • 1 Vicks® Mini Filter Free Cool Mist Humidifier
  • 1 Vicks® SmartTemp™ Wireless Thermometer
  • 1 Protec Humidifier Antimicrobial Cleaning Fish
  • 2 packages of Vicks® VapoPads
  • 1 Vicks® Humidity Monitor
  • 1 2-pack of purse-sized Puffs Plus® Lotion
  • 1 Vicks® VapoRub™ Topical Ointment

Enter below, and good luck.


Giveaway begins on 11/3/16 at 1:00 am CST and ends on 11/25/16 at 11:59 pm CST. Must be 18 years or older, open to US residents only (void where prohibited.) Once winners are confirmed, they will be added to the Winner's List here.

Disclaimer: The participating bloggers were not compensated for this post. No purchase is necessary to enter. One entrant per household, per IP address. All entries will be verified. Void where prohibited by law. Winner will be contacted by email; Please add to your whitelist. Southern Mom Loves will be responsible for prize delivery to the winner. This giveaway is in no way administered, sponsored, endorsed by, or associated with Facebook and/or Twitter, Google, Pinterest, or any other social media platform.

Contact Holly at if you have any additional questions or comments, or would like Southern Mom Loves to organize your next giveaway.
Can a new purse really become your best friend? If you are like me and need a large, can fit everything and still look stylish purse- the answer is yes!, especially if you are lucky enough to own the new JOY & IMAN genuine leather "Best Friend" City Satchel ! I had the good fortune to receive a complimentary best friend city satchel in demi-matte black from Phoenix Trading Company to try and review and I couldn’t be happier. While I did receive this satchel free of charge, all opinions, love of a good leather bag and fashion are my own.  

Do you see why I love this stylish satchel? Even my teen daughter (modeling the satchel in the photo above) loves this beauty of a bag!  I usually carry black purses because I feel they work well with any outfit and the demi-matte black pebbled leather with gold-tone hardware makes this satchel trendy while the overall size and shape profile lends a classic vibe.  

Joy & IMAN Logo on best friend city satchel

Here is a run-down of the features of the satchel from Phoenix Trading Company

  •  Size/Profile: Large satchel 
  •  Walls: Genuine pebbled leather
  •  Handles/Strap: Double rolled handles 
  •  Hardware: goldtone; signature goldtone front metal logo plate 
  •  Construction: Open top; flat bottom with metal feet 
  •  Closure: Zipper 
  •  Lining/Trim: Polyester 

Interior of Joy & IMAN Best friend city satchel

The interior is a purse lover’s dream come true. Look at all that room! I can easily carry my tablet and Avon brochures and samples when out working my business. I can fit my planner and notebook for taking notes when I’m attending important school meetings, or blogging ideas and the best part- everything has a home. No fiddling around at the bottom of your purse for your pen or keys! 

Here’s the rundown of the interior:

  •  1 front wall compartment with 2 patch pockets
  •  1 plain compartment with 8 card slots
  •  1 center zippered compartment
  •  1 zipper pocket and 1 patch pocket
  •  1 compartment with 1 patch pocket 1 back wall compartment with 1 zipper pocket (1 inside  pocket for mirror), 1 patch pocket, 1 elastic pocket and 2 pen slots 
  • 1 adjustable square watch (located on front of purse in leather case)

Plus- this satchel truly reaches best friend status with the super helpful flashlight attachment! Just open the satchel, click on the handy flashlight that’s attached to the side and you’ll find your glasses, phone, wallet or gum in a flash! Need to know the time without looking at your phone? This satchel has you covered with a small square black and goldtone watch concealed in a small leather pocket attached to the front.

 Joy & IMAN best friend city satchel with flashlight attached

There is even a zipper back pocket on the back exterior to place those items you want to grab quickly before going into a meeting or running into the corner bodega for a snack. 

The Take Away:

The JOY & IMAN genuine leather "Best Friend" City Satchel is a big, roomy satchel that can and will carry almost everything you need for a long day in the city. It feels nice on your arm. The sturdy double rolled leather handles assure you they can carry the extra weight of your tablet and heels effortlessly. Joy and IMAN nailed fashionably functional with this satchel and it holds its own within that line.  This pretty, classy yet trendy bag will serve you well all season long! If you are looking for a solid satchel with style, I invite you to learn more at PhoenixTrading Company where you can purchase it as well.

Please share in comments: What is your favorite purse go- to style and color? 
We are just nine days away from the second most celebrated holiday of the year in the United States! Whether you go all out with your decorations, host an epic block party, or are known for your crazy witch cackle, Halloween spending across the country is expected to exceed 8 billion dollars!
 That’s a whole lot of decorating and candy buying for our trick or treaters. If you plan on heading out with your family for a night of fun, check out this handy list of the top 20 cities for the best candy haul courtesy of my friends at Zillow. Did your city make the list this year?

Trick or Treat list of top U.S. cities for candy haul

There were some major shifts in the top ten city ranking from last year’s trick or treat map folks. Philadelphia came on strong and took the number one spot from San Francisco! My beloved bay area did well in overall standing with San Jose keeping its number two spot of the list and San Francisco coming in a respectable third. Click here to see my map share from last year. 

Top ten U.S. cities for trick or treating 2016

As you can see from this infographic, Zillow comes up with their lists by using four equally weighted variables: median home value, housing density, population age and crime. 

The Top 20 Cities for trick or treating 2016 are:

Top 20 cities for trick or treating 2016

I’m proud to see that Nashville moved up one spot in the rankings to 19th! If you are in the greater metro Nashville area, here are the top five neighborhoods to go trick or treating in for the best candy haul, walkability and safety.

  • Green Hills
  • Tulip Grove
  • Cherokee Park
  •  Sylvan Heights
  •  Historic Old Hickory Village

I love that Zillow compiles this yearly list and hope they make this an annual Halloween tradition! I invite you to stop by Zillow today to read their trick or treat post for even more neighborhood rankings, and to learn more about their mission to help you find your way home by helping you find your perfect home in the perfect neighborhood.

From my family to yours, we wish you a happy and safe Halloween!

Please share in comments: Did your city make either list? Are you surprised to see a certain city or region listed? 

I didn't know until yesterday that September is National Preparedness Month, so forgive the tardy share of this important information. Keeping our kids safe is always top of mind in our family; it was one of the main reasons I chose to work at home, but they still attend public school and go to public events that I have no control over. I'm happy to partner with Save the and Mom Bloggers club today. For posting and sharing, I will receive two complimentary emergency go-bags as a thank you. 

Emergency go to bag for kids #nationalpreparednessmonth

According to Save the Children,  our children are the most vulnerable in emergency situations.  That’s why Save the Children encourages everyone to act to better protect kids before disaster strikes. 

Did you know: 

  • Every day, 69 million U.S. children are separated from their families while they are at school or child care.

  •  After Hurricane Katrina there were more than 5,000 reports of missing children.  It took 7 months to reunite the last child with her family. (Here is a video of one such family:

  • Your child’s ICE card should include 3 emergency contacts -- including an out-of-town contact, because during emergencies, local communications are often down.

ICE contact card form

Make your ICE contact cards at  It’s free and easy!  Fill out one form for your whole family online (Save the Children will not store your child’s info anywhere).  Print out the cards (you’ll get two copies for each child), cut and fold.  Put one copy in a luggage tag to keep inside your child’s bag.  Keep the other copy in your wallet. 

What's next?  

Make an emergency plan and practice as a family.  For helpful tips and checklists visit SaveTheChildren.Org  here .

I plan on re-evaluating my families in case of emergency plan this weekend to make sure it is still relevant to the age and stage my kids are in now. Here are some points I'll be reviewing.

Emergency communications checklist

It is my hope that an emergency situation never separates you from your children, but now is the time to get prepared before an emergency happens!  Please share this great resource with other parents. Thank you!

Please share in comments: Do you already an in case of emergency family plan? If yes, when was the last time your practiced it? 

Happy Friday and happy September dear readers! It was a glorious 66 degrees outside this morning, so I took full advantage of the coolness by spending time in my neglected flowerbeds. The breeze felt so good and listening to all the birds and squirrels in my yard reminded me Fall is coming! I can't think of a better way to spend a pleasant fall day with my family than at a local farm. If you live in the greater metro Nashville, TN. area, you are going to want to visit Fiddle Dee Farms in Hendersonville!

About Fiddle Dee Farms and Shuckles Corn Maze & Pumpkin Patch:

Fiddle Dee Farms in Hendersonville, TN

"Shuckles Corn Maze & Pumpkin Patch located at Fiddle Dee Farms has been getting families lost in the corn for over seven years. Come spend the afternoon and have hours of fun. New this year is our large Fiddle Dee Jumping Pillow (see photo below) and Rope Maze. Pet the animals and ride the 40' Super Slide. Come buy a pumpkin, decorate it and race it in The Great Pumpkin Derby -- new this year at Fiddle Dee Farm. Over twenty-five activities included in General Admission."

Check out the new jumping pillow at Fiddle Dee Farms

Mark your calendars now because the Fall fun starts September 24, 2016 and goes through  November 6, 2016!

Pumpkin bowling for the little ones at Fiddle Dee Farms, Hendersonville, TN.

Important Updates and Savings:

Visit Music City Kids to get $2.00 off Shuckles Corn Maze & Pumpkin Patch! Shuckles corn maze and pumpkin patch has moved, but not very far! Come see their new pumpkin town, wild Fiddle Dee kingdom and Fiddle Dee sticks hollow! This sounds like lots of Fall fun for the whole family! I'll be sure to share photos when my family and I visit soon. 

Disclosure: My family and I will receive complimentary admission to Fiddle Dee Farms as part of the blogger family at US Family Guide, for sharing this announcenent post and after visiting, sharing our family day! All opinions and love of local fun spots are my own.