We’ve finally made it to the end of January, and we can officially start the countdown to spring! With only 48 days of winter left, it’s time for us to start planning our gardens, which is one of my favorite winter activities. If you’ve read my blog or social media posts, you know I love flowers. I’m a cottage garden girl all the way! I lost a few plants last year including one of my oldest Peonies to some sort of infestation, so this book Attracting Beneficial Bugs to your Garden has come at a perfect time for me. I’ve been studying it on chilly winter nights and taking notes during my lunch breaks to better prepare myself for the gardening year ahead. Read on to learn more about gardening bugs (the good and the bad) and enter to win our first giveaway of the year!

Spring Is Coming!

Attracting beneficial bugs to your garden book

My love of handbags started when I was in elementary school. One of my teachers carried this amazingly colorful patchwork Hobo handbag and I couldn’t keep my eyes off it! It hung on the back of her desk chair, and I wanted so badly to ask her about it, or better yet, own it. I asked for the same style of handbag for Christmas, but alas, I didn’t get it, because what third grader carries a handbag? My love of handbags has never wavered, so I was delighted to discover a new line of handbags to love in the new year.

New Year, New Handbags!

New Year New Handbags

Since I work at home, most of my lunches are eaten solo and mainly consist of either leftovers, or something quick and simple like yogurt and granola and a piece of fruit. However, yesterday my daughter and I decided to treat ourselves to a hearty lunch by making sourdough bacon pepper jack and cheddar cheese panini’s served with a warm bowl of tomato soup and I must say, the food and her company were a delightful change of pace! Another great thing about this lunch? We had tasty sourdough bread from the freezer to table in under 30 minutes.

Work at home Lunch Date:

sourdough bacon pepper jack and cheddar cheese panini’s served with a warm bowl of tomato soup

Hello and happy new year! I’m coming back from a fantastic holiday break feeling refreshed, renewed, and optimistic for this new year and all the good things it will bring. As work at home Mom who creates content for a living, it can be a challenge to find an actual pause in writing when the next holiday, event, or celebration is always right around the corner. It was the middle of December, and I was already fielding emails for Valentine’s Day. That’s when I decided I simply must allow myself to take time off. I figured out how to practice self-care in just 15 minutes a day and it did wonders for me, and I think it will help you too.

Give yourself 15 Minutes a day!

Sun thru the trees on snow day walk