Have you ever started singing a song simply from hearing a word or phrase? I know I do! In fact, music plays a big part of my life with my husband as well. From going to concerts together, to sharing a new cool tune we’ve discovered, music has been a staple in our relationship for almost 30 years. When I was asked if I’d like to receive a complimentary board game called Spontuneous The Song Game to share with you, I happily agreed because I thought it would be a perfect gift for my husband and I thought you might be looking for a last minute gift idea for Father’s Day. Come check out this game for cool music loving Dads with me.

Great Father's Day Gift Idea!

Spontuneous: The Song Game for Cool Music Loving Dads

I first learned about today’s book author, Nicole Johnsey Burke on my Instagram feed. Her account, GardenaryCo. is a lush, colorful garden paradise! If you love to garden, or want to start, you’ll want to follow that Instagram account for sure. Today’s post is about her newest book-  Kitchen Garden Revival- A modern guide to creating a stylish, small scale, low maintenance edible garden. I am thrilled to hold this book in my hands! I have talked myself out of having another garden for one too many seasons, but not this summer. It’s not too late for me or you to have a small kitchen garden this year, so let’s get started.

Fresh from the Garden!

Kitchen Garden Revival Book shares garden crop
Hello June and hello to summer with all it’s fun activities! One of my families favorite summer activities is having cookouts or bonfires where we serve S’mores for dessert. There’s just something so wholesome and fun about serving this dessert and now, thanks to Stuffed Puffs latest creation, we can have yummy double chocolate S'mores dessert to welcome summer!

Stuffed Puffs for the Summer Dessert Win- S’mores!

Yummy Double Chocolate S’mores dessert to welcome summer

On Memorial Day, I celebrated another trip around the sun by spending time with my family who showered me with love and lots of goodies to plant and tend to in my garden. They know that being in nature, surrounded by flowers, herbs and lush greenery is my Zen. One of the pluses of being in my fifties is I know myself really well and I’ve come to accept that my body, while still very capable, will respond to a day in the garden with aches and pains, especially in my back and knees by nightfall. Thankfully, I’ve discovered some simple steps to relieve my sore muscles that I think will help you this summer too.

Three Simple steps to help relieve sore muscles this summer

It’s beginning to look a lot like, Memorial Day weekend and the kickoff to summer fun, so why am I posting about Christmas in May? Apparently, this lover of all things Christmas didn’t get the memo that some Americans start putting up their Christmas lights now to help spread cheer throughout the year. Are you among them?  Now that I know this tidbit of information, I’ll be looking for Christmas decorations everywhere. 

Don’t feel like putting up the full display just yet? Well, have no fear, as Warner Bros. Home Entertainment is dedicating this week’s Top 10 Binge Watching Guide to the most wonderful time of the year to lift your spirits and make you feel jolly!

Christmas in May: Warner Bros. Top 10 Binge Watching Guide#BingeWatchWednesdays

One of the ways I invite each new season into my home is by changing up my tablescapes. I do this by adding seasonal touches like flowers in pretty vases and containers, textural items like raffia and ribbons and of course lots of color found in nature during the current season. When I received an invitation to work with Hy-Lite acrylic craft blocks, I immediately started thinking of festive, seasonal vases. I received three complimentary Hy-Lite acrylic craft blocks that I used to make a spring, summer, and fall vase that I hope will inspire you to try this fun DIY.

 Easy DIY Seasonal Vases with Hy-Lite Acrylic Craft Blocks