Think beyond Black Friday to #GivingTuesday

in , , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Thursday, November 20, 2014

When The Motherhood sent out an email asking for volunteer #GivingTuesday social media ambassadors, I signed up immediately because I had been putting a lot of thought into how I might use my online voice to help others offline.

proud #GivingTuesday #Ambassador

 As a family, we give a little here and there all year long; whether that’s supporting Saint Jude when we get our hair cut, or donating our gently used clothes, toys and books to our local Goodwill. 

We believe that every donation helps, no matter how big or small. It’s the act of giving that’s the important life lesson. We’ve always told our girls, we may not have everything we want, but we are blessed to have everything we need and that if we look closely, we will see someone who may be struggling to have their needs met.

With the holidays drawing near, you may be feeling blessed with all that you have as well, even if it isn’t all that you want. Now is the perfect time to lend a hand to those less fortunate. #GivingTuesday can help find a cause or non-profit that speaks to where you are in your life. This is a fairly new initiative so here’s some information for you.

About #GivingTuesday:

#GivingTuesday was founded in 2012 by New York’s 92nd Street Y partnership with United Nations Foundation. #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving back, encourages people to share their own giving stories and favorite giving moments or organizations. No one charity is supported- with more than 12,000 nonprofit partners and projects, you have lots of choices on who to support and how, whether it's a tweet or a donation.

When: #GivingTuesday is on Tuesday December 2, 2014.  Please join us:! 


I invite you to learn more about #GivingTuesday by visiting their website and then joining. You can help spread the Give on Tuesday December 2, 2014 by sharing your own #Unselfie and sharing ways you are giving by using hashtag #GivingTuesday on your social channels. You’ll be joining your voice with charities, families, businesses, students, community centers around the world coming together for one common purpose, to celebrate generosity and give.

Share your Unselfie!

My UNselfie #GivingTuesday

Here’s my #UNselfie showing the charities my family and I choose to support this #GivingTuesday. I hope you’ll join us and post your own #Unselfie! Tag me on Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram @ismilefirst so I can share in your giving choose. Tag and follow TheMotherhood as well on Twitter

Like my #Unselfie?  Visit the tools page at #GivingTuesday to download your own #Unselfie template, check out tool kits, ideas and more. And stay tuned for more information on a special Twitter party I’ll be co-hosting with other fab TheMotherhood ladies!

I am truly blessed and thankful that my little O'Hana has everything we need and that we are able to help those who don't have a better day. 

 Happy Holidays from our home to yours!

Imagine buying a belt, an everyday wardrobe essential for most men and having a dollar go to help end global hunger and poverty. You’d feel pretty good about buying that belt wouldn’t you?

That’s why I was so happy to partner with The Brand Connection when they asked their team of bloggers if we’d like to receive a complimentary Mission belt to try and share our thoughts. Since my husband had just mentioned he needed a new belt, I signed up.  All opinions are my own and those of my husband, who is wearing his Mission Belt in the photo below. 

Kevin sporting his #MissionBelt

About Mission Belt Company:

Mission Belt Co. was founded in 2012 and is based in Utah. If the name sounds familiar, you may have saw it on Shark Tank. Their missions: to make world-class, no-hole leather belts and to help end global hunger and poverty, one belt and one dollar at a time.

Those are powerful words, especially at this time of year when so many are struggling with the very real choice of buying enough food, or warming their homes. The Mission Belt story is an interesting one that you can read by visiting their website

#MissionBelt in brown leather w/gold buckle

What makes Mission Belts Different?

  • No holes- Say goodbye to stretched out, ugly holes in your belts.
  • Perfect Fit- Mission belts adjust every ¼” instead of every inch like traditional belts.
  • No cracks- Mission belts have a no-crack guarantee on their leather belts.
  • Always fits- Mission belts are easily adjustable with just a few clicks of the levered buckle.
  • Easy on and off- The lever on their belts works smoothly, allowing you to take off this belt in a hurry.

Our Thoughts:

#MissionBelt black leather with Iron buckle

Ordering just the right look and size of belt needed for my husband was very easy on Mission Belt’s website. My husband chose the IRON buckle with black leather.  He was very impressed with the quality of leather Mission Belt uses.

He easily adjusted the length of his belt and once he got the hang of how the buckle and toggle system worked, he found this belt to be much easier to use than traditional belts he’d grown accustomed to using. 

My husband wears this belt all the time. It pairs well with his everyday jeans and looks dressy enough for him to pair it with slacks. He’s hooked on this easy on and off belt life and does highly recommend it, because a good fitting, high quality belt is hard to find!

If you think the man in your life would like to give the no-holes, easy on and off belt life a try, I invite you to visit Mission Belt Company’s website or get social with them on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram

Please share in comments: How often do you or a family member wear a belt? 

Disclosure: My thanks to The Brand Connection and Mission Belt Co. for sending us this great belt to review. All opinions expressed are my own and those of my husband. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. 

I am participating in a Vibrant Influencer Network campaign for L’Oreal Age Perfect. I am receiving a fee for posting; however, I only share information that I feel will benefit my readers.  The opinions expressed in this post are my own. I am in no way affiliated with L’Oreal Age Perfect and do not earn a commission or percent of sales. 

When I first read the email from Vibrant Nation inviting their bloggers to sign up to try L’Oreal’s newest product line- Age Perfect cell renewal, my immediate thought was “if it will help me look like Julianne Moore, sign me up!”

Julianne has beautiful skin and looks radiant and dare I say it, youthful for her age.  I’m sure Vibrant Nation had an onslaught of 40 and over bloggers applying for this campaign, so I was thrilled when I learned that I’d been accepted and would be receiving the complete line of L’Oreal Age Perfect cell renewal products! 

#L'Oreal age perfect cell renewal

Once I received my L’Oreal goodies, I couldn’t wait to try them. All three of the L’Oreal Cell Renewal products come beautifully packaged with luxe, gold tone lids. I opened each one up and naturally, smelled them. They have such a lovely, light scent. Even the scent smells luxurious!

After washing my face and reading the directions on the label of each product, I decided to put the Age Perfect cell renewal golden serum on first. Ladies- the only way to adequately describe the delightful feeling of this serum, is my face said Ah!

 Like slipping into a perfectly drawn bath- my skin soaked in this creamy elixir quickly and there was no greasy feel. A little dab will do you because the serum spreads smoothly over your skin. My face was so soft; I had my husband feel it. 

#L'Oreal age perfect cell renewal

Even though I didn’t feel I needed it after applying the Cell Renewal Serum, I opened the cell renewal night cream. I’ve long been a fan of night creams. I learned at a very early age that applying helpful skincare products at night is beneficial because that’s when your skin and body rest are repair itself, so I try never to skip this important step in my nightly skincare regime. 

L’Oreal’s Cell Renewal night cream is thick and rich and soothing on my combination skin.  The cream glided gently over my skin, no need to rub long- and made it feel immediately moisturized without any greasy look or feel. Again, a little dab of this rich and thick moisturize will do you. 

The next morning, I felt my face and it felt so much softer and smoother than it had with my regular night cream, I couldn’t wait to try the cell renewal day cream

Since I tend to get a little shiny on some parts of my face due to my combo skin, I’ve learned not to apply too many products, or too much of one, so I went easy on the day cream. 

It too has a clean, fresh scent and was surprisingly non- greasy even though it is a broad spectrum SPF 15 product. My face looked dewy fresh after applying the day cream and I didn’t have to wait long for it to soak into my skin so I could apply makeup.

 The Cell Renewal day cream played nicely with my foundation and didn’t leave me sweating it off- or worse, wanting to wash it all off because there was a reaction between the two products. I’ve had that happen more than a few times in the past. 

#L'Oreal age perfect cell renewal

My Thoughts:

All in all, I am thrilled with the L’Oreal Age Perfect cell renewal line! They work. After two weeks of use, I can see visible signs of improvement with the tone and clarity of my skin. Maybe using this product line will help me have the radiant, youthful glow I miss seeing when I look in the mirror and with continued use, I will move that much closer to have amazing skin like Julianne Moore.

#Julianne Moore for #L'Oreal age perfect cell renewal

Why try L’Oreal Age Perfect cell renewal? L’Oreal says:

"As your skin ages, skin cell renewal decreases significantly, leaving your skin looking dull and dry. Age Perfect cell renewal accelerates skin cell turn over, bringing millions of new cells to the surface each day. The result?  Fresher, re-plumped, visibly renewed skin." 

      If it’s time for you to refresh your skincare routine, I invite you to learn more about the    L’Oreal Age Perfect cell renewal line by visiting their website.  

     Please stay tuned for updates here on my blog and social channels because I'll be sharing      coupons to help you save on this product line soon! Be sure to subscribe to my blog feed  and follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest

Please share in comments: Which of these three products are you most interested in trying? 

Disclosure: My thanks to Vibrant Nation and L'Oreal for sponsoring today’s post. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. 

Season’s greetings dear readers! I’ve been bitten by the holiday bug for sure and I want to help you make your season a little brighter and your shopping lists a little lighter by sharing the newest products from Burt’s Bees with you today. I was sent the products below free of charge so I can share my thoughts with you, but all opinions are my own. 

Burt's Bees holiday collections
Burt's Bees Holiday no wrap collections

We received the Burt’s Bees Mani- Pedi set and the Hive Favorites much to the delight of my teen and tween daughters. Thankfully, both sets came with a lip balm or I would have been in trouble. While we loved the cool no-wrap feature of these holiday collections, we simply couldn’t wait until Christmas to try them.

We opened the cute Hive Favorites first, which has a replenishing lip balm with Pomegranate oil and a small tube of nourishing milk and honey body lotion. This lip balm smells and tastes as divine as it sounds, and offers just a wee bit of color, so it’s perfect for any tween or teen on your gift list. 

Burt's Bees Hive Favorites collection

Next we all tried a squirt of the lightly scented milk and honey body lotion. While rubbing it in we all agreed it made our arms and hands feel ultra soft and refreshed. The Hive Favorite collection is a perfect stocking stuffer, birthday gift or secret Santa surprise. 

Burt's Bees Mani Pedi holiday collection

Then we opened the Mani Pedi collection. This set has everything you need to take care of your hands and feet. We couldn’t get enough of the rich scent and cool feel of the Peppermint foot lotion. 

Next we tried the Shea Butter hand repair cream and while we liked how it went straight to work fixing our dry hands, we didn’t care for the overly herbal scent, so do be aware of it if you purchase this for somebody with scent sensitivities. We do want to say that this repair cream does work splendidly! 

Burt's Bees Mani Pedi holiday collection

Lastly, we all washed our hands and gave the Lemon Butter cuticle cream a try. This is heaven in a tin folks! We LOVE the scent and how quickly it blends into our cuticles. Plus, it works really well on rough cuticles making it a winner in our eyes. Combine all of these items and put them in the stylish cosmetic bag included and you’ll have a gift sure to please.

Burt's Bees all #natural products logo

We really like the Burt’s Bees holiday “no wrap needed” gift collections finding them a convenient, affordable and perfectly gift-able choice.

 If you have moms, teens, tweens, Aunts, Uncles and personal care gift lovers on your holiday shopping list, you should check out all the Burt’s Bees holiday collections here to find just the right one for your needs.

Please share in comments: Which product from the Burt’s Bees holiday gift collections I mentioned you would most like to try?

Last month I shared some easy to follow fall cleaning checklists, and if you have been working your way through your home like I have, you may have come to the realization that you need more storage space. I found myself wishing for something that would allow me to quickly organize all the extra items we have accumulated, yet be pretty enough to use in a room rather than tucked into a closet.

 I found the perfect storage organizing solution when BryLaneHome asked me if I’d like to try one of their home organizing products free of charge and share my thoughts here with you.  Since I’d planned on sharing some organizing tips, I happily agreed.  All opinions are my own. 

BryLaneHome drawer #storage #organizer

Knowing that my bedroom closet and part of my dresser had become a storage haven for everything from extra bedding to craft supplies, I chose the BryLaneHome 10 drawer storage organizer in neutral.

I wanted a functional yet stylish piece that looked like it belonged in our bedroom.  I am really pleased with how well the organizer looks in this unused space.  Not only does it match my neutral color scheme, the sturdier construction and attention to detail gives it the look and feel of a piece of furniture.

First, I gathered up some overflow books that had been hiding out of a shelf and put them in a bottom drawer to add weight and stability as I filled the drawers.  Even though this organizer comes with a sturdy metal frame and wood top, it’s always best to put heavy items on the bottom.

Next, I found a bunch of craft supplies that had been way up on a shelf in a bag. I didn’t even remember I had those cool copper beads! As you can see, I can add lots of stuff to each drawer.

roomy drawers in #storage #organizer

 It will take me several days to fill all these roomy drawers because I am taking my time and clearing out one area of my closet and bedroom at a time. Slow and steady is the way to go with this organizing job.

#BryLaneHome 10 pc. drawer #storage #organizer

If you are in need of a portable, affordable storage organizer, I invite you to visit BryLaneHome to see color options and sizes available. For even more home organizing ideas, visit BryLaneHome on Pinterest. I think you will be pleasantly surprised and inspired to start your own organizing project.

Please share in comments: What area of your home would you most likely use this storage organizer?

Be a mouse this #Halloween and win a cozy blanket

in , , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Friday, October 31, 2014

It’s Friday and it’s Halloween. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate than with another giveaway!  You all love a good giveaway from the looks of the Fire Pit giveaway and the Eco-Friendly e-cloth giveaway I’ve got going.  Have you entered them?

Happy #Halloween #Pumpkin

This giveaway is a little different. We are going to have some fun being a mouse! Yep, you get to play a rodent in Orkin’s #MouseInAHouse game below. Okay, you may be asking yourself why a mouse in a house Orkin? Good question! Here’s what Orkin says.

About Orkin Mouse in the House:
“Fall has arrived, and cooler weather has come with it. Whether or not you know it, your warm house is an open invitation to unwanted guests looking for a cozy winter vacation: rodents. Each fall, rodents migrate from their outdoor “summer home” to the warmth, food and shelter of their “winter timeshare” – your house!”

I do not want rodents in my home, that’s for sure, but I also feel a bit sorry for the poor little rodent who is just looking for a warm, safe place to stay. Sorry it can’t be in my home and if you do come in, I’m calling the Orkin man! I’m going to follow them on Facebook and Twitter and you can too using those links.  

Since we humans have the advantage, why not try being a mouse on Halloween by playing the chose your own adventure game that puts you in the shoes of a rodent looking to survive the upcoming harsh winter season? Try your best to stay alive and see how long you last as a mouse!

 Play Choose-Your-Own-Adventure #MouseInAHouse Game!

The Giveaway:
One lucky reader will win Orkin #MouseInAHouse Cozy Fleece Winter Blanket (4'x6').  A good size fleece throw always comes in handy for snuggling under during movie night, or stowing in the car for road trips.

Entering is easy using the Rafflecopter form below. No purchase necessary to win. Open to U.S. residents 18 +. My WAHM Plan not responsible for prize fulfillment. The prize will be sent via FedEx or USPS. No P.O. Boxes please.
To make sure everyone has an equal chance of winning only one entrant per mailing address per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you will not be eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.
Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

My thanks to Orkin for sponsoring today’s giveaway via Partners Hub. I will receive a cozy fleece winter blanket for hosting it. This giveaway is in no way endorsed affiliated or associated with Facebook, Twitter or any other Social Media Networking Site. This giveaway is valid in the Continental United States Only. This event will end on 12:00 AM (EST) 11/14. My WAHM Plan is not responsible for prize fulfillment.I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.