Maybe it’s the dreary weather, but February finds me wanting to clean and organize my home. I look around and see hot spots here and there, but I’m giving myself grace and reminding myself that this is a home full of people making these hot spots and it will take time to get to each area. I’ve decided to start small with the most obvious hot spot- my kitchen cabinets and the plethora of plastic containers. I’ve tried getting rid of them completely, but that only lasts so long, because we are a family that cooks, so having handy storage containers is a must. Thankfully, a solution arrived when I was asked if I’d like to review Zoku products, including their Neat Stack Nesting Container Set, which will make organizing kitchen cabinets a snap!
Showing posts with label
Keep toiletries organized when traveling with The Better Beauty Case
in #AD, beauty, case, family, organizing, toiletries, travel, by Linda A Kinsman, Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Last month we went on a wonderful family beach vacation where I got to try out this life-changing beauty case. You may be thinking, life-changing, really? I’m here to tell you, yes, it completely changed the way we packed and stored our toiletries for the better! I’ll never leave home without this roomy Better Beauty Case. Read on to learn how it can help you keep your toiletries organized when traveling.
The Better Beauty Case by Joy Mangano:
Weekly Chore Prompt: 5 Ways to Organize Your Pantry
in #weeklychoreprompt, cleaning, food, kitchen, organizing, pantry, by Linda A Kinsman, Thursday, October 01, 2015
We are in full fall cleaning mode now as we welcome in October
and I’m happy to welcome my very first guest post today. Please make Miriam Bornstein from Zillow feel welcome by commenting on her chore prompt. This is a perfect “tackle
over weekend” chore.
By Miriam Bornstein
Say goodbye to your nightly game of hide-and-seek when
searching for dinner ingredients. If your pantry looks like a war zone with open
boxes of pasta, spices on every shelf and empty containers taking up limited counter
space, then you are in dire need of pantry reorganization.
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Weekly Chore Prompt: Organizing Shoes
in #weeklychoreprompt, chores, cleaning, organizing, shoes, by Linda A Kinsman, Monday, June 08, 2015
Happy Monday dear readers! As I was trying to get out the door to my very first blog conference on a recent Saturday morning, I tried multiple times to shut our foyer closet door but couldn’t because there was a rogue sneaker blocking the door. I picked the shoe up, looked for a free space to call its temporary home and found zero free space. Zip, nada. I couldn’t even find the sneaker's mate, so I did what any sane mom would do when she’s pressed for time - I chucked in the shoe and slammed the closet door. I knew the weekly chore prompt had to be organizing shoes!
Time To Corral Shoes:
Add style and organization to an unused space with #BryLaneHome
in cleaning solutions, furniture, organizing, storage, by Linda A Kinsman, Wednesday, November 05, 2014
Last month I shared some easy to follow fall cleaning checklists,
and if you have been working your way through your home like I have, you may
have come to the realization that you need more storage space. I found myself
wishing for something that would allow me to quickly organize all the extra items
we have accumulated, yet be pretty enough to use in a room rather than tucked
into a closet.
I found the perfect storage
organizing solution when BryLaneHome
asked me if I’d like to try one of their home organizing products free of
charge and share my thoughts here with you. Since I’d planned on sharing some organizing
tips, I happily agreed. All opinions are
my own.
Knowing that my bedroom closet and part of my dresser had
become a storage haven for everything from extra bedding to craft supplies, I
chose the BryLaneHome 10 drawer storage organizer in neutral.
I wanted a
functional yet stylish piece that looked like it belonged in our bedroom. I am really pleased with how well the
organizer looks in this unused space.
Not only does it match my neutral color scheme, the sturdier construction
and attention to detail gives it the look and feel of a piece of furniture.
First, I gathered up some overflow books that had been hiding out
of a shelf and put them in a bottom drawer to add weight and stability as I
filled the drawers. Even though this organizer
comes with a sturdy metal frame and wood top, it’s always best to put heavy
items on the bottom.
Next, I found a bunch
of craft supplies that had been way up on a shelf in a bag. I didn’t even
remember I had those cool copper beads! As you can see, I can add lots of stuff
to each drawer.
It will take me several
days to fill all these roomy drawers because I am taking my time and clearing
out one area of my closet and bedroom at a time. Slow and steady is the way to
go with this organizing job.
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If you are in need of a portable, affordable storage organizer,
I invite you to visit BryLaneHome to see color options and sizes available. For
even more home organizing ideas, visit BryLaneHome on Pinterest. I think you
will be pleasantly surprised and inspired to start your own organizing project.
Please share in comments: What area of your home would you
most likely use this storage organizer?
Planning in 2015 made easy with At A Glance
in calendar, moth, organizing, planner, wahm strategies. successful business, week, year, by Linda A Kinsman, Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Somewhere in mid-summer a key turned in a lock and the world
of full-time professional blogging-writing walked right in that open door for me. Even though I have been a work at home Mom
for 15+ years and plan my days as any professional should, I found myself
playing catch up because, quite simply, I didn’t have the proper tools and
systems in place to keep up with my growth.
That won’t happen in 2015 because I already have an amazing
monthly planner and wall calendar thanks to, who asked if I would
like to receive these two complementary At A Glance products to try and share my thoughts
with you.
Let’s start with the monthly planner. I took this out of the
package and loved the look and feel of it. This planner allows me to see the
whole month without having to flip pages, which comes in very handy when you are
planning several assignments and work commitments.
There’s ample writing room
in each day box and a place for notes on the top and right side margins. The tabbed months are a plus as well, allowing
me to easily plan projects in advance. There are ample notes pages in the back
of this 13 month planner along with a page of contacts. There’s even a plastic pocket holder in the
back for you to tuck in notes, business cards and those fliers that get handed
out when you attend business functions.
I couldn’t be happier with this At-A- Glance 2015 monthly
planner and look forward to putting my first assignment in it. Since I already
have campaigns that run through January, I’ll be setting up my planner this weekend.
The 2015 monthly wall calendar won’t be hung on a wall in my
office, but will be tucked into my lifesaver of a sideboard that acts as a
second desk for me. This calendar will
be my hub for all business commitments, not just for my blog and writing
assignments, but for my husband’s business as well.
Like with the monthly planner, the day boxes on the wall
calendar are big enough for me to write two or three notes on each day. There
is an ample header margin where I can write notes or stick post-it notes and reminders
there. The flip page method on this calendar will make it easy for me to go to
each month without fear of ripping out pages.
With these two products, I feel confident that 2015 will be
a well-organized, successful year for me. With the 4th quarter
zooming past us, now is the time to purchase your planner and calendars for
next year. I invite you to learn more about these two products and all the
business supplies available at
Please share in comments: Which of these two products would you
most likely use in 2015?
Helpful Homemaking – Checklist Tips
in checklist, help, homemaking, January, organizing, tips, by Linda A Kinsman, Friday, January 10, 2014
Ah January, the month of “new” the month of “I will” the
month of resolutions and goals and promises. Helpful organizing tips abound in
January, they even made January National Organizing month, which hammers home
the message that we all should be cleaning and organizing during every free
But- I’m not.
Nope. I refuse to get myself all worked up this year.
It’s the 10th and I simply refuse to feel behind
as I “heart” the many free printable’s showing up in my Pinterest feed. Everything from chores, menu planning to home organizing
binders can be found and printed. I’m tempted- I mean really tempted to waste
my printer ink on these prettily designed pieces of paper that in theory should
make short work of my organizing dilemma’s.
I don’t print them because I know I won’t use them. I have
seen myself not use them in the past. So- here is what I use instead.
A legal size pad of plain white paper, a colorful pen and a
That’s it.
Now the organizing magic can begin.
I walk from room to room with an Eagle eye, channeling my
Moms white glove, everything neat and tidy approach to homemaking and I make my
list for each room.
- Put away lotions- check.
- Revamp pantry- check.
- Unmuck back hallway for the bazillionth time. Check.
- If it is dirty, cluttered, unfiled, on the list it goes.
Only put chores on this list. No jotting down “buy new hand
towels” when you are in the guest bathroom. There will be a list for that
Stick to what you want to get done- your chores.
Do feel free to put a family members name by certain chores.
If they drug it out, they should find its home again (says every Mom on the
Then- once you’ve gone through every room in your house and
feel like your head is going to pop because you must be the worst housekeeper
on the planet- stop! Take a breath, and choose the easiest task first.
And. Do. It.
Then check it off. Done!
I use this checklist method for any project that is
multi-step, like planning a party, or revamping my flower beds. This style of organizing my thoughts to organize
my life works for me and it may very well work for you too. If you give it a
try, please stop back by and let me know your thoughts.
And if you really want to get a feel for How clean (or not)
your house is, go take this easy quiz on HGTV. I answered mostly B’s- with a couple of A’s I blame completely on my Mother! You’ll
understand that statement once you take the quiz.
Share with me in comments, what’s your dragon- what is the
one place you wish you never had to organize again?
For me- it’s the Foyer closet! Ugh.
And let me know the outcome of the quiz too- no judging here!
Here's wishing you a happy, productive weekend. Now I'm off to buy some much needed hangers for that foyer closet of mine.
Jump start your New Year Goals with eMeals
in coupon code, eMeals, meal planning, organizing, saving, by Linda A Kinsman, Thursday, December 27, 2012
One of my biggest goals in the New Year is to shake up my family meal plans. The often asked question "What's for dinner?" will be a little bit easier thanks to eMeals.
Have you heard of eMeals?
eMeals, the online leader in meal planning, offers weekly meal plans that offer families a way to save money on their grocery bill. Plus, eMeals can help you get organized in the New Year! I don't know about you, but I sure love saving money and feeling prepared and on top of meal planning.
eMeals offers over 50 delicious meal plans and corresponding grocery lists every week based on food style preferences, family size and the current sales at selected grocery stores. Dinner menu plans include classic family meals, low-fat, portion control, low-carb, gluten-free, vegetarian, clean eating, paleo, and the natural and organic plan.
For more information, please visit and Get 15% off the leading meal planning system @eMeals with coupon code "2013."
Happy New Year!