Monday and My Plan

in , , , , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Monday, March 14, 2011
This week is a continuation of projects I started last week.

 March 8th was International Women's Day.  I recognized the day by visiting sites, learning more and sharing a link here, but did you know that the 8th was also National Home Office Organization Day?  I didn't think so.

 I didn't know about this day either until a story popped up on Google!  In the spirit of this day I thought I'd share some of the tasks I did on the 8th and what I hope to accomplish this week.

·           Emptied my inbox. No, not emails. The ever so neat looking "inbox" sitting on the top shelf of my desk with all manner of notes, to-do's , half-finished  projects and the like.  Nothing urgent enough to do ASAP.  I have a folder just for those projects.
   Seems I've let this task go for a while. I unearthed some love notes from my girls and re-read each with a smile straight from my soul.  No wonder they are still here I think to myself.  I’m such a clever lady to have put them back to re- discover them later.
  Hmm, what else do I have in here? Pizza coupons.  The email address to a contact I've already put in my hubby's business contacts,   school fundraiser forms (you know the kind sent home almost daily until the event)?  I know I volunteered or sent in the money/drink/gadget required because,   see?  There’s my check in the top right corner indicating DONE in my world.  So why do I still have the paper? Cause my neat looking inbox hides oh so many secrets.

·          I did a quick eenie, meenie, miny, moe to decide which file cabinet to open first.  Left or right.
 Left being the behemoth holder of ALL and right the smaller less frightening holder of how to manuals, notebooks and trade publications with important articles for hubby.  Yes! I do read them and turn down the corners of interesting articles.   I am his secretary after all and you could learn a lot about the state of our economy by reading what is going on in the housing industry, but let me not stray too far from the subject:  file cabinet on the right was my best option last Tuesday.  35 minutes later I felt pretty good about the overall state of affairs in that file cabinet, but alas, I broke my stapler!  Darn the luck, looks like I'll just have to put off file cabinet on the left until I purchase a suitable replacement.

·            Next, I took everything off my desk and gave it a good cleaning. Not just a dry dusting, nope. Warm, slightly sudsy,   lemony scented water and a nice towel dry.
Okay, you may be yawning at this point and saying to yourself: Boring!  Trust me on this one: a clean and shiny desk in an office that smells good equals a happy work zone.  I also de-cluttered. The pencil sharpener that didn't really do more than gnaw the pencils?  Tossed and added to my list of needed office supplies.

And so went my morning. I had a box of recycling and the lid full of shredding and a nice happy work zone to show for it.
Today I am  still minus a stapler (I was way too busy flying kites and re- learning archery with my family to go running to the office supply store this weekend) so this week:
 I've decided to tackle the sideboard in my dining room that doubles as work/family filing and storage. I'm a bit nervous because I can't quite remember the last time I took everything out of this lovely piece. Wish me luck.

 I'm also going to do away with the ever present basket of incoming stuff that has taken up semi-permanent residence on my kitchen counter. It's full of receipts, coupons, pictures, cards, washers, nails, cameras, and better keeps because this looks important to (insert appropriate family member). 

It’s amazing how much time I have to spring clean my office and home now that I’m no longer working in direct sales. It’s true what they say about less is more. I feel more efficient and in control.  Please try to do yourself the favor of cleaning off your desk and maybe ridding yourself of the clutter of too many things on your plate.  You and your family will reap the benefits.

Walking has long been a part of my healthy living regimen, but last week I noticed that my once "easy" 1-mile power walk wasn't quite so easy.

If I was pushing myself to power it up in a brisk 15-minute mile on Monday, well being jazzed about a 2-mile power walk with weights on Tuesday seemed...torturous!

Sunday is all about family time here and this Sunday was no different, so as I'm picking out paint colors and listening to the happy chatter from my oldest daughter, it occurred to me the reason why I was pooped after one measly mile!

 My blog! Yikes! I LOVE my blog! But, is this love making my jeans a tidge tighter just like my hubby's eating habits did way back in our dating days?

Yep, sad I know but true. Blogging is a sedentary hobby or job ( depending on your blog) and I have fallen prey to the PC spread! I try to watch the clock and limit my time online, but still, I obviously need to do better.

 Maybe I will take my walking outside now that there is a hint of spring in the air. Maybe I will be joining the local walking club.

 I'll play with the kids after school for just a few more minutes. Maybe I'll just get out on my land and climb up our hill a couple times.

So that's my plan for the day ( and week, and Please!) the month: Move more, type less. Be a clock watcher (online and off), schedule
moving just like I schedule everything else.

Is your blog making your butt look big too? How about your mates? Are you leading a too sedentary lifestyle?

For once, we ladies aren't the only ones suffering, oh no, the guys with desk jobs have it even worse! Check out this great article I just read on how to avoid on the job weight gain
and then stand up, do a few quick squats, run to the kitchen and down a glass of water. Then come back here and let me know what you think! 

Remember to smile, treat yourself well and put the oxygen mask on yourself first!

Today’s Press Opportunity

in , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Thursday, February 24, 2011
This isn't in my field, but it is such a wonderful opportunity I had to share. If this makes your heart smile, I wish you all the best!

Ladies Who Launch Presents:

Members get Access to Daily Press Opportunities.
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Opportunity for TODAY

Do you have a beauty product? Are you a lifestyle coach?
If so, you probably have some beauty advice to share. Providing informative advice will help get your name out as an expert and spread the word about your business.To increase the odds that your tip will be chosen, make sure to include your advice in summary form and why it works. Tips around skincare, sunscreens, eating habits or any other original thoughts on beauty are welcome. is looking for Beauty Tips from Expert Entrepreneurs and Moms in Beauty.  Submit Yours Now.

Now’s your chance to get the word out about what you know to a1million plus readership of Moms nationwide. Exclusive Members Only Opportunity.
Opportunity expires tomorrow. Learn more.


in , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Tuesday, February 22, 2011

As I got ready to place the Blog with Integrity Badge here; it occurred to me that somebody should make a Life with Integrity Badge for those of us who seek to live it.  Now, let me say right from the start: I do not think I am better than you! I am not here to judge, I’m here to be the best me I can be and if something I say jangles a nerve, well, maybe you ought to take a little time to explore your reaction. 

What is Integrity?
I  grab my Webster’s Dictionary from the bookcase (yes, I am old school and still rely on books that aren't attached to an electronic device). There are 3 definitions for integrity.  I am referring to # 3 which states integrity is:
The quality or state of being of sound moral principle; uprightness, honesty and sincerity.

I have tried to live my life by these guiding principles. I have been praised and loved by those who find these qualities admirable. I've also had my fair share of names tossed my way whenever I  called attention to a person's lack of integrity in their dealings with me and those I love.
In my teens and early 20's,  I was called “volatile" and "hostile" and a female dog because I dared to stand up against the liars, backstabbers and chameleon like game players that were prevalent in my neighborhood and high school. 
Later in my 20’s and 30's I was labeled "unfriendly" because I would not stand around gossiping about my co-workers, nor would I stand for being flirted with. I was and am a very happily married woman and didn't find it harmless or amusing.
When I had my first child and became a stay at home Mom, I was labeled "mean" by the other Moms because I would not listen to or participate in idle gossip about whatever Mom wasn't in ear shot, or my husband, or my child, or my mother in law. 
FYI:   Mean girls grow up to be mean moms who then raise mean girls and the feeding frenzy continues. As a Mom it is my job to raise my girls not to fall prey to this and to warn them that yes, leading with Integrity will put you on some lonely roads. But all will be well if you can look yourself in the eye and not flinch at what you see.

Now that I'm in my 40's, I've come to realize that these types of people will never, ever change.  I no longer “fight the good fight" with them, I keep my own council and I just quietly dis-engage.  Their opinion of me does not matter.
Take last week for instance. I was asked to do a favor for somebody that at first blush looked like a good deal.  Just add some items to an order and I would get Free stuff and they would get points towards their trip.  This person was very assertive: using lots of if I were yous and what I need you to do for me  and blah, blah , blah ... I stopped listening when my gut said “Wow, if this is how she got to be a team leader in her business;  I want no part of it."
 I could have told her what she was asking was unethical, but I've learned there is no point in wasting my breath, so I dismissed her with " Thanks, but No thanks”!  and hung up on her before she could point out my lack of "team spirit" because I wasn't allowing myself to be used by her. 
No, I am not a perfect pillar of society, but I sure do sleep well at night and I'm not a frazzled mess trying to keep track of all the lies and schemes I've got going on.  I like my simple, uncomplicated life with Integrity. 
 I also like the blogging community and will blog with Integrity.

Please vote

in , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Thursday, February 10, 2011
Dottie kitty cat

My daughter's entered our sweet kitty Dottie in to the Bissell's MVP pet contest. We would love it if you would vote for her and please share this with your friends. Thanks!
