Are you a blogger looking for a more paid blogging jobs? I was when I recently read a referral post from a blogging buddy that introduced me to a brand new company called Get Blogged. I visited their site and liked what I saw. They offer paid writing jobs at every blogging level, depending on your domain authority first, rather than your social stats! I signed up and within one week, I received my first paid job! In fact, this introduction post is it. Read on if you would like an in-depth look into Get Blogged.
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Are you a blogger looking for a more paid blogging jobs? I was when I recently read a referral post from a blogging buddy that introduced me to a brand new company called Get Blogged. I visited their site and liked what I saw. They offer paid writing jobs at every blogging level, depending on your domain authority first, rather than your social stats! I signed up and within one week, I received my first paid job! In fact, this introduction post is it. Read on if you would like an in-depth look into Get Blogged.
I’ve been a part-time freelancer for several years now and I speak from that experience when I say; the ability to get good gigs in my industry (blogging and brand awareness) is getting harder and harder each day as more people enter the workforce and embrace the “gig economy”. Seeing more and more marketing pros talk about multiple streams of income and what “side hustle” you may be able to pick up to achieve financial security led me to agree to review The Gig Is Up: Thrive in the Gig Economy, Where Old Jobs Are Obsolete and Freelancing Is the Future by Olga Mizrahi.
Does This Blog Make My Butt Look Big?
in blogging, exercising, fat, healthy, jobs, sedentary, smile, time management, walking, by Linda A Kinsman, Monday, March 07, 2011
Walking has long been a part of my healthy living regimen, but last week I noticed that my once "easy" 1-mile power walk wasn't quite so easy.
If I was pushing myself to power it up in a brisk 15-minute mile on Monday, well being jazzed about a 2-mile power walk with weights on Tuesday seemed...torturous!
Sunday is all about family time here and this Sunday was no different, so as I'm picking out paint colors and listening to the happy chatter from my oldest daughter, it occurred to me the reason why I was pooped after one measly mile!
My blog! Yikes! I LOVE my blog! But, is this love making my jeans a tidge tighter just like my hubby's eating habits did way back in our dating days?
Yep, sad I know but true. Blogging is a sedentary hobby or job ( depending on your blog) and I have fallen prey to the PC spread! I try to watch the clock and limit my time online, but still, I obviously need to do better.
Maybe I will take my walking outside now that there is a hint of spring in the air. Maybe I will be joining the local walking club.
I'll play with the kids after school for just a few more minutes. Maybe I'll just get out on my land and climb up our hill a couple times.
So that's my plan for the day ( and week, and Please!) the month: Move more, type less. Be a clock watcher (online and off), schedule
moving just like I schedule everything else.
Is your blog making your butt look big too? How about your mates? Are you leading a too sedentary lifestyle?
For once, we ladies aren't the only ones suffering, oh no, the guys with desk jobs have it even worse! Check out this great article I just read on how to avoid on the job weight gain
and then stand up, do a few quick squats, run to the kitchen and down a glass of water. Then come back here and let me know what you think!
Remember to smile, treat yourself well and put the oxygen mask on yourself first!