The Gig Is Up- Thrive in the Gig Economy Book Review

in , , , , , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Tuesday, February 27, 2018
I’ve been a part-time freelancer for several years now and I speak from that experience when I say; the ability to get good gigs in my industry (blogging and brand awareness) is getting harder and harder each day as more people enter the workforce and embrace the “gig economy”.  Seeing more and more marketing pros talk about multiple streams of income and what “side hustle” you may be able to pick up to achieve financial security led me to agree to review The Gig Is Up: Thrive in the Gig Economy, Where Old Jobs Are Obsolete and Freelancing Is the Future by Olga Mizrahi. 

The Gig is Up by Olga Mizrahi book review #ad

I’m Excited to Be a Biz Ambassador This Year

in , , , , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Friday, February 23, 2018
Happy Friday everyone! It is indeed a happy Friday for me as I write my first post for my newest ambassadorship with Biz Stain Fighter.  I do a lot of laundry around here and I know you do too, so I’m excited about sharing this great cleaning product with you. If you don’t know about the line of Biz Stain Fighter products, or maybe need a refresher, please read on. I’ll be sharing a coupon as well. 

Biz Stain Fighter Ambassador #ad

Have you ever been awakened to the delightful scent of freshly brewed coffee? It’s a delightful way to start your day. I have so many good memories surrounding that smell. From my childhood with my parent's brew to today, where my husband and I take turns making special coffee on the weekends. What makes it special you ask? Freshly ground beans! My husband and I have been sipping coffee together for a long time, we are true coffee lovers. One of our favorite hobbies as a couple is trying new coffee blends and ways in which to brew it. I love gifting him gifting him coffee related items, so when an opportunity from Coastal Brew arrived in my inbox, I thought this non-electric manual coffee grinder is perfect for my husband! 

Coastal Brew manual coffee grinder #giveaway #ad

Food and water, two resources most of us in America; especially in suburbia, take for granted. I know that I do. Turning on the tap for clean water, or opening my pantry for food is something I’m so accustomed to doing; I’ve become spoiled. Sure, my family and I give to our local food pantries, Goodwill store, and local shelter and we do our best not to waste water by turning off taps and conserving water when gardening, but there is so much more we can and should do to help protect our natural resources and help end hunger. I’m thrilled to partner with General Mills on their hunger relief scholars program for teens today. I think it’s a fantastic program! If you have teens, please read on!

How would you feed the future scholars contest #ad

Be Prepared- Flu may strike you or a loved one

in , , , , , , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Tuesday, February 06, 2018
With six more weeks of winter to go, we all must take every precaution to keep ourselves and our families well since the flu shows no signs of slowing down. This strain is nothing to trifle with as reports of hospitalizations and sadly, even deaths are on the evening news day after day. 

I’ve already succumbed to this nasty virus around Christmas time so I can attest to this virus’ strength. I was lucky I didn’t have to be hospitalized, so I was only too happy to partner with Mucinex and help spread the word about their maximum strength products. Stocking up on these products now will help you be prepared in case flu strikes you or a loved one. 

Care tray for loved one be prepared in case flu strikes #ad