Earth Day is celebrated on Saturday April 22, 2023 and to me it’s a holiday, like many others. Even though this environmental movement has only been around since 1970, it has gained worldwide popularity with good reason. We only have one earth! I was honored when Boxed Water asked if I’d like to collaborate with them for an Earth Day giveaway.
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Fantastic hunger relief scholars program for teens
in #AD, FamilyLife, food, hunger, program, relief, scholar, sustainable, teen, water, by Linda A Kinsman, Monday, February 12, 2018
Food and water, two resources most of us in America; especially in suburbia, take for granted. I know that I do. Turning on the tap for clean water, or opening my pantry for food is something I’m so accustomed to doing; I’ve become spoiled. Sure, my family and I give to our local food pantries, Goodwill store, and local shelter and we do our best not to waste water by turning off taps and conserving water when gardening, but there is so much more we can and should do to help protect our natural resources and help end hunger. I’m thrilled to partner with General Mills on their hunger relief scholars program for teens today. I think it’s a fantastic program! If you have teens, please read on!
Our Earth Day 2015 Take Action Movement- Join Us!
in #Earth day, conserve, energy, plant, take action, water, by Linda A Kinsman, Friday, April 10, 2015
My husband, kids and I were outside walking around our land
and planning our spring and summer goals on a recent sunny day. We were down by
our pond listening to the birds, while the kids were watching toads jump in the water.
I was standing under the fronds of our Weeping Willow Tree and I thought how
very lucky we were to own this land, this home place where nature and green
It struck me as it often does in spring, how beautiful our land
is. How fresh the air, how star studded our night skies are here in this little
rural hamlet. How beautiful the green grass is that my kids get to run on whenever they want. In that moment, living a rural lifestyle seemed idyllic. All thoughts of the extra work it takes were lost.
And while I was smiling at my good fortune, a whisper of sadness for
all those who don’t enjoy these things pulled me back to the present. What can I do to help preserve this for our
kids and their kids? What can I do to make the air sweeter and the grass
greener for all families?
The answer to these questions was just a click away. I went
to and read about the
progress made over the year and as I do every year, I chose our Take Action
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Last year, we chose to plant trees and recycle
even more than we usually do. That’s saying a lot since we recycle everything
and don’t even have trash pick- up service here. My husband handles all our
trash and recyclables each week by taking them to our community Convenience Center. It’s a dirty, smelly job, but he knew that
was part of the cost of owning land. He thought and still does think it's worth it.
This year we chose to Reduce our Energy Consumption.
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we don’t live in an urban area, our electricity is a bit higher in price per
kilowatt because it takes more lines and power poles to get it to us. We have
been warned for months that our electric bills will go up dramatically this
summer, so our reasons for wanting to reduce our energy consumption is both economic
and environmental.
By going to the’s Take Action Page I
found we were not alone in our desire to save money and the environment. This
was the 3rd listed movement!
are some facts from regarding using less energy:
The Issue
Did you know that nearly half of all greenhouse gas
emissions in the US are generated from the energy we use to power our homes and
cars? That adds up to a big environmental impact and a hefty toll on our
wallets at the end of the year - close to half a trillion dollars!
we can do:
The good news is that we can all take small
actions to manage our collective energy appetite. This Earth Day, we have
teamed up with WattzOn to provide
their leading energy management tools to our community free of charge. Take action
by creating an Earth Day Energy Center account and start saving energy and
money - typical monthly savings are as high as 20% through simple habit changes
and small projects!
It took me seconds to take the pledge and get
Our first task will be as they suggested, cleaning
our dryer vent. When the weather warms up, we will be putting up an outside
clothes line! I’m excited about this because that’s how my Mom and Grand Mom
dried their laundry and I can remember running through the fluttering sheets on
a warm summer’s day. The feeling and the scent of those perfectly clean
smelling sheets stays with me to this day!
Us April 22nd!
Whether you want to reduce your energy consumption,
help restore the forests, or support environmental education there is one
simple thing you can do today to help make our world a better, cleaner, greener
more sustainable world for ourselves and for our kids-
Go to EarthDay.Org and
That’s it. I feel confident that you will be
inspired and the cause you feel most strongly about will find you.
And please remember no matter where you live, urban
landscape or rural hills, take time to step outside and take in the beauty of
the day.
If you don’t like what you see- help be the change!
Please share in comments- What will you do to help
on Earth Day this year? Do you support Earth Day every year?