I can’t think of a better way to kick off March and the
weekend than with a little celebration of all the great women who walked before
me so that I can enjoy all the wonderful opportunities women have today. In
many areas, there’s still plenty of work to do for women’s rights and equality,
but I tend to look for the positive in all areas of my life, so on March, 8,
2019, I will stand with women all around the world with open minded optimism.
Read on to see how you can get involved with my five easy take action ideas.
Showing posts with label
take action
Today is National Missing Children’s Day- a call to action
in community, help, May 25, National Missing Children's Day, take action, by Linda A Kinsman, Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Today I woke up with a grateful heart. I am celebrating another day on this
wonderful planet and my family is showering me with love because it’s my
birthday. While I had originally planned
on sharing a post on working from home, a quick Google search of today led me
to a much more important cause. Did you know that today is National Missing
Children’s day? I didn’t either. How could I not know that I’ve shared my
birthday with this very important cause since 1983?
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Sunrises make me happy and grateful to be alive |
About National
Missing Children’s Day:
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1983, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed May 25 as National Missing Children’s
Day. Each year, the Department of
Justice (DOJ) commemorates Missing Children’s Day with a ceremony honoring the
heroic and exemplary efforts of agencies, organizations, and individuals to
protect children.
Missing Children’s Day
is dedicated to encouraging parents, guardians, caregivers, and others
concerned with the well-being of children to make child safety a priority. It
serves as a reminder to continue our efforts to reunite missing children with
their families and an occasion to honor those dedicated to this noble cause.”
Three easy ways to get involved today:
child deserves to feel safe. Every child deserves to live with their families
without fear of being taken, sold, hurt or worse. I always feel terrible when I
get an Amber alert and I don’t take them lightly. I look at the photo, I study
it and then I take action by sharing the Amber alert on social media AND by
looking at the faces in the crowd as I go about my day.
1. Always pay attention and share local and national Amber alerts
husband and I always look at the missing children’s posters at the exit of our
local Sam’s Club. We pull our cart over so we don’t get trampled on by the busy
exiting shoppers and we look at those faces, we say a prayer and then we take
our kids home with us.
2. Always look at the Missing Children's posters post in your community
our kids as safe as we can is one of the most important reasons I am a work at
home Mom. I’m here for my kids in a way that I couldn’t be working outside the
home. It was a choice to earn less to be here in my home and in my community
more. But not all Moms can do that, so I will try to do more when and where I
can. I will pay attention to the kids, vehicles in my neighborhood, and report any suspicious activity to my neighborhood watch and law enforcement.
3. Pay attention to activities in your neighborhood and join your neighborhood watch.
Lastly, I invite
you to visit http://mecptraining.org/educate/national-missing-childrens-day/
to learn more and find resources on how you may be able to help in your
community, or nationally.
If you are reading this and are a parent- hug and connect with your child.
Tell them how very grateful you are to have them in your life. Do you know how
many kids are never told they are wanted, valued, loved? Be sure you are giving your kids your undivided attention so they truly feel connected.
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Today is my birthday and I woke with a grateful heart and I
plan on using my voice, my talents, my heart to make today the best day of the
rest of my life by shining my light and remembering my blessings and hopefully,
plugging in to my community more and blessings others.
Please share in comments: In what way can you help a child
feel safe and loved today?
Our Earth Day 2015 Take Action Movement- Join Us!
in #Earth day, conserve, energy, plant, take action, water, by Linda A Kinsman, Friday, April 10, 2015
My husband, kids and I were outside walking around our land
and planning our spring and summer goals on a recent sunny day. We were down by
our pond listening to the birds, while the kids were watching toads jump in the water.
I was standing under the fronds of our Weeping Willow Tree and I thought how
very lucky we were to own this land, this home place where nature and green
It struck me as it often does in spring, how beautiful our land
is. How fresh the air, how star studded our night skies are here in this little
rural hamlet. How beautiful the green grass is that my kids get to run on whenever they want. In that moment, living a rural lifestyle seemed idyllic. All thoughts of the extra work it takes were lost.
And while I was smiling at my good fortune, a whisper of sadness for
all those who don’t enjoy these things pulled me back to the present. What can I do to help preserve this for our
kids and their kids? What can I do to make the air sweeter and the grass
greener for all families?
The answer to these questions was just a click away. I went
to EarthDay.org and read about the
progress made over the year and as I do every year, I chose our Take Action
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Last year, we chose to plant trees and recycle
even more than we usually do. That’s saying a lot since we recycle everything
and don’t even have trash pick- up service here. My husband handles all our
trash and recyclables each week by taking them to our community Convenience Center. It’s a dirty, smelly job, but he knew that
was part of the cost of owning land. He thought and still does think it's worth it.
This year we chose to Reduce our Energy Consumption.
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we don’t live in an urban area, our electricity is a bit higher in price per
kilowatt because it takes more lines and power poles to get it to us. We have
been warned for months that our electric bills will go up dramatically this
summer, so our reasons for wanting to reduce our energy consumption is both economic
and environmental.
By going to the EarthDay.org’s Take Action Page I
found we were not alone in our desire to save money and the environment. This
was the 3rd listed movement!
are some facts from EarthDay.org regarding using less energy:
The Issue
Did you know that nearly half of all greenhouse gas
emissions in the US are generated from the energy we use to power our homes and
cars? That adds up to a big environmental impact and a hefty toll on our
wallets at the end of the year - close to half a trillion dollars!
we can do:
The good news is that we can all take small
actions to manage our collective energy appetite. This Earth Day, we have
teamed up with WattzOn to provide
their leading energy management tools to our community free of charge. Take action
by creating an Earth Day Energy Center account and start saving energy and
money - typical monthly savings are as high as 20% through simple habit changes
and small projects!
It took me seconds to take the pledge and get
Our first task will be as they suggested, cleaning
our dryer vent. When the weather warms up, we will be putting up an outside
clothes line! I’m excited about this because that’s how my Mom and Grand Mom
dried their laundry and I can remember running through the fluttering sheets on
a warm summer’s day. The feeling and the scent of those perfectly clean
smelling sheets stays with me to this day!
Us April 22nd!
Whether you want to reduce your energy consumption,
help restore the forests, or support environmental education there is one
simple thing you can do today to help make our world a better, cleaner, greener
more sustainable world for ourselves and for our kids-
Go to EarthDay.Org and
That’s it. I feel confident that you will be
inspired and the cause you feel most strongly about will find you.
And please remember no matter where you live, urban
landscape or rural hills, take time to step outside and take in the beauty of
the day.
If you don’t like what you see- help be the change!
Please share in comments- What will you do to help
on Earth Day this year? Do you support Earth Day every year?
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When I logged on to Google to check emails this morning and saw the big black box covering the Google icon, I immediately signed the petition to oppose SOPA & PIPA.
From Google "Millions of Americans oppose SOPA and PIPA because these bills would censor the Internet and slow economic growth in the U.S. "
To learn more, and to sign the petition if you feel so led: Go to https://www.google.com/landing/takeaction/
Thank you!
I'll be the first to admit: my posts have been a bit angst ridden lately. Sort of wishy-washy, what should I do, searching for purpose, all over the place dribble.
Yeah, harsh I know, but necessary dear reader, because if I'm sick of it; I know you are.
No longer willing to be the Debbie Downer, I have properly licked my wounds, gave myself a good mental shake and resolved to no longer be buffeted around the blogosphere like some poor helpless ninny.
Somewhere along the way, I drank the "Make Money Blogging" Kool-Aid and this stopped being fun.
I like fun; so here's my plan.
1. Stop Whining.
2. Count my blessings. They are plentiful.
3. Quit Sweating the small stuff.
4. Wholesale delete all money/social media/pro's emails and feeds. They are my kryptonite.
5. Keep doing product reviews. I still think they are fun!
6. Hang out with like minded bloggers.
7. Stop trying to do it all.
8. Write what I know. Followers and money will come if they are meant to.
9. Visit every blog on my readers list, if it's not a good match or of interest to me. Stop following.
10. Invite all my followers to do the same. If you are here and don't wish to read about and talk about all things hearth and home, raising tweens, running a small home based business while being happily married, please feel free to stop following me.
Simple. Action. Plan.
To those who actually read this blog and comment: Thank you! You are a rarity in this blogging community. And if I should find myself without many like you over the course of the next few days or weeks, so be it. I rather enjoy knowing where I stand and with whom.
Happy Monday.