Showing posts with label popcorn

I like having snack options on hand for each member of my family, which has to include single serve, grab- and- go options. More often than not, these snacks have to fulfill more than one craving as well. For instance, I keep beef jerky on hand for my husband who loves a salty/chewy treat, while my daughters and I prefer sweet and salty snacks. Are you a fan of yummy sweet and salty snacks as well? I’ve got two you’ll want to try then!

Sweet and Salty Snacks

Sweet and Salty Snacks

It happens to all of us. We need a snack, but we can’t put our finger on what we are craving. Some people head to the fridge for something cold and crispy, while others, like my husband will always look for something crunchy and salty. If he can get a little sweet mixed in so much the better, so imagine our delight when Sweet Chaos popcorn sent us a big box of their flavored popcorn. And because they are so sweet, they are hosting a giveaway for a variety bundle of popcorn so you can satisfy your sweet salty cravings with Sweet Chaos popcorn too.

Cravings Satisfied!

Sweet Chaos Popcorn & Giveaway

My Thanks to Sweet Chaos Popcorn for the complimentary products showcased in today's post and for hosting a giveaway. No other compensation given. All opinions and love of good popcorn are my own.