Presidents Day

in , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Monday, February 20, 2012
I am proud to be an American, but have never considered myself a History buff. As I was planning for today, I realized that my recall of the facts surrounding this holiday were a bit rusty. Sure, I remembered it is to honor Presidents Washington and Lincoln, but other facts, like dates, escaped me.

Do you need a refresher too?

I found a great, to the point article over at Here's the link:

Why Do We Celebrate Presidents' Day?


I also found a fun quiz from called Positively Presidential.

I am going to take it first, to test my knowledge prior to showing this to my smarties ( who will probably know more than me)!

Want to test your Presidential knowledge too? Go Here to take the quiz.

So what are your plans for today? Do you have the day off from work? Are your kids out of school too?

For us, hubby is working, I'm working hard on getting my JAFRA business launched from home while spending time with my girls.

The one thing I won't be doing is shopping any sales. But I will enjoy this relaxing day and pray for our President and all those who lead our wonderful country.

I hope you and yours have a wonderful day!

Dear Stomach Bug… Thanks

in , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Good Tuesday morning dear readers! I have been wanting to post for several days, but honestly didn’t feel well enough to string coherent sentences together, let along remember to spell check.  I am so happy I woke up feeling great this morning!
I have been recovering from a nasty stomach bug.  My abs still cinch up just thinking about last Monday night… and the better part of Tuesday, when finally the tossing of my cookies portion of this sickness subsided.
 Speaking of abs, you never know how strong ( or not) they are until you are using them while praying you will be able to stop and catch your breath before you pass out! I had that panicky feeling in the wee small hours of Tuesday, but thankfully, blessedly, my best forever friend, my husband was right by my side. 
All week long he and my daughters nursed me back to health. I have been loved and doted upon and simply made to feel treasured and revered in a way that I’ll not soon forget. 
See, I had been feeling just a bit, oh, I don’t know… taken for granted? Okay, a lot a bit!  Like I was just the maid, like my voice didn’t matter, like I was Charlie Brown’s teacher;  all incoherent blah, blah, blahs and nags.
 Don’t forget the nagging. The endless: hang up your coat, rinse your dish, put away the brush, and do your homework, nit-picky stuff.  
Ever felt like that? Sort of resentful that all the drudge and “grunt” work is on your plate? Oh, yeah I had a bad case of the “nobody appreciates what I do around” here-isms! 
Then, I got sick. Really  sick.
Not just a head cold and I can press on sick, but down for the count sick and that’s when my sweet family stepped up, stepped in and showed me by thought and deed that all my hard work is appreciated, that I do matter most assuredly and that yes, they do listen, even if they choose to act like they aren’t sometimes.  
So, thanks stomach bug for laying me low, I needed it! And the 8 pound weight loss? Just another blessing in disguise, although I wouldn’t recommend this particular weight loss method to anyone!

Flashback Friday 2005

in , by Linda A Kinsman, Friday, January 27, 2012
* 2/27/1-  Update: I am pulling the picture of my girls off this post as it has been receiving traffic from forgeign sites that I don't feel comfortable about. *

I received an invitation to join a new blog hop called Flashback Friday. I've been wanting to add more weekly themed posts so this was right on time.   I hope you will join in the fun and travel back down memory lane with us.

Meet Ms. T ( in blue) age 5 and 3/4 yrs. and Ms. M ( in pink) just one month shy of 3 yrs.  Ah, the sweet sisterly love, the joy of the candy and turning ones tongue a new and improved color. Sharing licks and seats and smiles.
 I wonder if I handed them a ring pop today if they would share like this? Maybe but doubtful!  That's why we have camera's and memories right?

Happy Flashback Friday everyone! Want to join us? Stop by Melissa's Blog and add your link.

Taking my chances

in , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Wednesday, January 25, 2012
I love entering sweepstakes and contests. Something about the chance of winning draws me in. Just this week I've entered an American Girl Doll contest, a $ 50  gift card for Bed, Bath & Beyond, a $100 Amazon gift card and two book sweeps. I'm feeling lucky!

 Not only do I love entering contests, I love sharing them as well and have plans to offer many chances to enter and win on My WAHM Plan. So when one of my affiliates ask me to share this sweepstakes, I happily agreed. 

 Join the American Family community and be entered in $50,000 cash sweepstakes!
 Entering here to win also means joining the American Family community! See your name on Who's Doing What, cash in points for cool stuff, save your favorite recipes or games, and lots more.

Yep, it's just that easy. Fill out a form and you will be entered to win! Enter HERE.

Let me be totally upfront: this is an affiliate link so I will be compensated from folks entering. I'm talking enough to buy a coffee or two. Now, if you win by reading this post and taking your chances... maybe you will buy me a coffee or two. Good luck!

Are you currently hosting a contest on your blog? Please let me know in the comment section below and I'll stop by and enter. Only family friendly stuff and USA sweeps please. Thanks!

Springtime Countdown!

in , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Friday, January 20, 2012
Lilacs ( My favorite) source

With only 59 days left of winter, I will concede that we here in middle Tennessee have enjoyed a nice, mild winter. I sincerely hope it’s steady as she goes until we all welcome spring once again. 
My girls on the other hand feel short changed by the lack of snow days, having only gotten 1 so far this year. We never get lots of snow anyway; it’s the ice that shuts us down in hilly middle Tennessee. So as much as I try to make my kids happy, there’s no way I’m wishing for any type of white stuff! I just nod my head sympathetically and keep my mouth shut and daydream of spring…
 I have so much planned for my gardens and porches and yard this year. This will be the year I re-do the front flower beds, re-paint the front porch, plant wildflowers at our pond and Honeysuckle along the back fence.  
This is the year that I will divide my Irises and make an “official herb garden” so I don’t keep bringing in my pots, vowing to keep them alive all winter, only to be disappointed when I have to dry and save instead.
 This is the year I make peace with the willful rose bush I inherited when we bought this place. Hey, if it can live throw all the cutting and digging up I’ve done to it, it has earned my respect and a pretty trellis too.
This is the year I will help Ms. T and Ms. M have flower beds all to themselves. They’ve wanted one, but can’t seem to agree on the spot; or worse, they want the same spot but can’t agree on the type of garden it should be. We’ve got 5 acres here, I just bet with some patience and ingenuity we can all figure this out.
Yep, those are my big plans for spring. How about you? Do you love digging in the dirt?
What are your favorite things to grow? Flowers, herbs, veggies, fruit?
Please enjoy my Spring Countdown Widget I've installed at the right. If you would like one, please visit: .

I signed, Will you?

in , , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Wednesday, January 18, 2012

When I logged on to Google to check emails this morning and saw the big black box covering the Google icon, I immediately signed the petition to oppose SOPA & PIPA.

 From Google "Millions of Americans oppose SOPA and PIPA because these bills would censor the Internet and slow economic growth in the U.S. "

To learn more, and to sign the petition if you feel so led: Go to

Thank you!