Wordless Wednesday- Are you serious??

in , by Linda A Kinsman, Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I've always loved looking at and commenting on the Wordless Wednesday posts I've come across in my bloggy travels.  I've said countless times, " this looks like fun, I should do it".
On Monday I was going through the ba-zillon photos I've got stored on the family computer, when I happened upon this gem.

WW are you serious?

Now, I've just gotta say, I have no idea what I was saying or to whom. I know this was taken on Christmas day at my sis-in laws, so I know I was in complete control of all of my faculties, if you know what I mean.

There was no imbibing or adult type merry making, just a typical family holiday with a hostess who likes to stay on schedule.  ( Okay, I'm not pointing fingers, or judging, but for those without kids from those with kids, these events can't be rushed, you need to allot more time than you think; just a friendly F.Y.I.).   

Maybe I was reacting to the " Hey, who's ready to eat" question I seem to remember. ( Smile) We were still knee deep in unopened gifts at the time... just a thought, what do you think?

Have a wonderful, full of happiness and sunshine, over the hump day!

Offline is fine

in , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Oh, no! It's raining! That was my first thought when I woke up this morning. Not that I'm anti-rain, I usually love the rain ( just not big, nasty storms, thank you). I didn't want it to rain for entirely personal reasons.

I was meeting a dear friend for coffee, something we vowed we'd do over the summer, but never quite managed with our busy lives. I was hoping we could sit outside at the coffee shop, but in the end, inside was just fine! I got to meet my dear friend at a new place and meet new people in my neighborhood.

 I was networking, without even thinking about it that way. Sometimes we have to get off our computers my friends! I know, I hear you, social media is on every ones lips these days ( even mine as I pick up consulting jobs in social media), but read on and you'll see why offline is fine too! 

There is a great article about this over at:  Wahm.com.

It's a worthy read. I'd love for you to share with me your tips on how you balance networking on and offline.

Oh, and the sugar free almond latte was almost as good as catching up with my friend!

Don't Copy Me

in , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Tuesday, September 13, 2011

As I sat down to my laptop this morning, I had every intention of finishing up the post I'd been working on over the weekend. After visiting so many wonderful blogs over the last few weeks ( many of whom stopped by here first, thank you), I decided that I needed to post here more often AND that it was perfectly okay for me to talk more about family stuff to boot! Afterall, I am a work at home Mom; home is in my title.
So, I was writing a piece all heartwarming and domestic-ey, when I decided to take a break and see how my lil' blog that could was doing this fine morning.

Imagine my surprise when I saw that I've had a boat load of visitors this morning, but only a handful were reading my latest post ( yes, I was looking at my stats) and there were no new comments... so super sleuth that I am followed the yellow brick road of clicks to this post: http://mywahmplan.blogspot.com/2011/07/honey-nut-cheerios-freebie.html

Okay people, there could only be a couple of reasons you are visiting this old post. And I have a sneaking suspicion that getting the freebie wasn't the lure. IF you are doing a review for this brand or IF you are offering this Freebie too, kindly do your own leg work, find your own pictures ( like I did) and write your own review. Don't copy me. Thank you!

Thanks to Miranda over at Moms Book Shelf for having a Copyright Free button on her blog.
I've placed one on my blog now, so I feel somewhat protected.

I'd love to hear from you on this topic. Has your work been used without your knowledge or consent?

Monday and my Plan

in , , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Monday, August 29, 2011
Family work balance

It has been a while since I shared my plan for the week. What with the new school year starting, my social media manager position for Kinsman's Carpentry & Custom Cabinets
taking off, and the blessed relief from the heat, I was loathe to sit at the computer last night and type up my plan of action. 

 However, today is the last Monday of the month, so without further ado:

My plan for the week:


Bake banana bread
Go to Ms. T's schools open house tonight
start packing away some summer clothes
re-organize the front closet
move rocking chair project higher up on my list (since it didn't get done last week)
proof read Ms. M's school website and report findings to teacher
harvest basil to make pesto
take old magazines to library for share counter
clean out frig and freezer
continue company checks on security alerts for mother-in-law
update and sync all calendars with upcoming important school/family/church dates
start a new coupon binder/organizing system
stop everything and be grateful when each of my family members arrive home safely,
look into their eyes and be present and available.

Work: His:

Link husbands new website to all social accounts
advertise new website with ad credits received from hosting company, (Google AdWords, Bing, Yahoo, Facebook, etc)
Update his profile picture
tag all photos in his gallery prior to ad placement
send follow up letters/emails to recent clients
upload latest project photos on Facebook and website
peruse September trade publications for interesting articles to share
continue to make sure he knows daily how much he is appreciated

 Work: Mine:

visit bloggy buddies, groups, websites and engage in all social media sites
learn more about my Google + account (ie. how to add it to my blog and other social sites)
look into hosting packages for my social media manager division
make a thank you for contacting me letter for initial inquires to hire me
research fee structure for my services
remember to not take it personally when a person or business does not follow up in the same manner or time frame I would
read blogs, take an e-course, continue to learn how best to move forward with my social media manager career
thank the Lord daily that I am blessed to be a work at home mom!

So that's my plan and it's a lofty one to be sure. No matter what, (unless it's billing, cause we need to eat) I will always put family first, so it won't surprise me in the slightest if some of these tasks are back on my list next week.

It is always nice receiving feedback on a project you've particpated in. Recently I was invited to take the  PepsiCo Women & Leadership survey. This was a very in depth, thought provoking survey and I was happy to lend my voice.

Here's a recent email I received from SheSpeaks, the company who asked me to participate:

Dear Linda,

Thank you so much for taking the time to participate in our recent PepsiCo Women & Leadership survey. As always, your feedback was incredibly helpful. We had an amazing response to this survey. It shows that female leadership is a hot topic!
What you said:
•71% of women believe that a woman will not win the presidency in 2012
•Most women think the greatest challenge to achieving leadership roles is the perception that women make less effective leaders
•Hillary Clinton was most frequently cited as the most inspirational female global leader, followed by Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey
•The majority of women have no preference between working for a male or female boss
•Women equally rank hard work and the ability to inspire as the most-needed leadership skills, as seen in the chart below
For more information, please visit the PepsiCo WIN site.

Thanks again for participating in this survey. We truly value your feedback and insights.
We look forward to offering you more opportunities to share your voice about products, services and the topics that are most important to you.

The SheSpeaks Team

Do you agree with the findings? Who inspires you?