Are you aware?

in , by Linda A Kinsman, Thursday, October 27, 2011

courtesy of

If you ask most women, they would quickly say that October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Thanks to the Susan B. Koman Foundation and it's pink army, we see pink everywhere in October and immediately know those wearing or showing their pink are proud supporters.

But did you know that October is also National Thank your Pastor Month?
 No?  Don't feel bad. Neither did I until I read my dear blogging buddy Donna Perugini 's post.
Donna is an Children's Book Author, so I've come to enjoy her posts full of wisdom and wit.

After reading her post, it got me thinking:

How many other causes are represented in October?

Here's what I found:

1. National Dental Hygiene Month

2.National Disability Employment Awareness

3. World Mental Health Day, October 10th-

4.  World Food Day, October 16th

5. Stop America's Violence Everywhere Today,  October10

6. Spinal Health Month

7.National Vegetarian Awareness Month

8.National Primary Care Week, (3rd week)

9. National Health Education Week,October 15 - 19

10.National Spina Bifida Awareness Month

11.National Family Sexuality Education Month/Let's Talk

12.National Down Syndrome Awareness Month

13. National Chiropractic Month

14. National Child Health Day, October 1,

15.National Celiac Disease Awareness Month

16. Mammography Day, National (3rd Friday)

17. Hispanic Heritage Month, September 15-October 15

18.  National Cybersecurity month

19.  National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation
October 22, 2011

20.  National Pizza Month,

Seems there are alot of worthy causes that need our attention to make this world a better place. Even # 20, because if we all support our small, local pizza places we are helping!

10/28/11 Update:

I love it when a blog post starts conversations! I will keep adding to this list from your comments, so thank you and please add a cause if you know of one not listed!

21. The Domestic Violence Awareness Month:

Monday and My Plan

in , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Monday, October 24, 2011

I'll be the first to admit: my posts have been a bit angst ridden lately. Sort of wishy-washy, what should I do, searching for purpose, all over the place dribble.

Yeah, harsh I know, but necessary dear reader, because if I'm sick of it; I know you are.

No longer willing to be the Debbie Downer, I have properly licked my wounds, gave myself a good mental shake and resolved to no longer be buffeted around the blogosphere like some poor helpless ninny.
Somewhere along the way, I drank the "Make Money Blogging" Kool-Aid and this stopped being fun.

I like fun; so here's my plan.

1. Stop Whining.

2. Count my blessings. They are plentiful.

3. Quit Sweating the small stuff.

4. Wholesale delete all money/social media/pro's emails and feeds. They are my kryptonite.

5. Keep doing product reviews. I still think they are fun!

6. Hang out with like minded bloggers.

7. Stop trying to do it all.

8. Write what I know. Followers and money will come if they are meant to.

9. Visit every blog on my readers list, if it's not a good match or of interest to me. Stop following.

10. Invite all my followers to do the same. If you are here and don't wish to read about and talk about all things hearth and home, raising tweens, running a small home based business while being happily married, please feel free to stop following me.

Simple. Action. Plan.

To those who actually read this blog and comment: Thank you! You are a rarity in this blogging community. And if I should find myself without many like you over the course of the next few days or weeks, so be it. I  rather enjoy knowing where I stand and with whom.

Happy Monday.

Blissfully Domestic

in , , , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Thursday, October 13, 2011

All week I been busy with all things domestic. And it has felt so good to be in the moment;
in the zone as the pros's call it'; where your hands are busy and your mind is free to ponder and review at a much slower pace.  Multi-tasking isn't an option and we all need the down time ladies ( and gent's if your are reading this post).

I thought I'd shake things up a bit and tell you what I have accomplished this week.

Monday- Laundry and lots of it. I had done some consignment sale shopping on Friday
and needed to launder all those finds, plus the normal loads from the weekend.

Question- Do you ever get done with your laundry where all baskets are empty?I don't and I'm just not going to beat myself up about it!

I started sorting our closets and rotating our wardrobes for fall.
I also ironed several fall pieces. I don't mind ironing one bit, I actually rather enjoy it.
It soothes, especially on a dreary day. It also calls to mind memories of my Mom and Grandma ironing 
in the kitchen, which is probably why I iron there as well, with my radio turned on low, just like them.

Question: Do you iron, and if so, do you enjoy the task?

Tuesday- The girls had the day off from school due to parent-teacher conference day. Both girls were sent home with forms indicating no conferences were needed unless I requested one, which I didn't because I am in contact with their teachers and both girls are doing great scholastically. Not boasting, just complementing them. 
We spent the day together, playing Mario, visiting the library and grabbing lunch. Oh and laughing, alot!

Ah, yes, this is why I do what I do.. for them and family.


Question: When was the last time you belly laughed with your kids, hubby or friends? Try it, you will look and feel better!

Wednesday- I baked! I finally got the- much requested- first of the season- Apple Pie done! I love making apple pies, or any kind of pie really, but there is something so delicious about Apple pies.
 The house smells heavenly for hours afterwards and my family could not wait for dessert. I almost hated moving on to the cupcakes I baked next fearing the smells would intermix and be icky sweet, but no; my daughters assured me that it still smelled awesome as they counted the cupcakes and agreed on how many
they would get after we sent in the dozen requested for Ms. T's class reward day. I also sorted my magazines for recycling and/or sharing.
I always keep my Better Homes and Gardens, which is my favorite magazine! My big magazine basket on the mantle is full, even with the culling of lesser magazines, so I think it's time for a new plan on what gets saved and what gets shared.

Question: What is your favorite magazine?

Thursday- Today I will be scrubbing bathrooms and floors. We have 3 full baths and I have to deep clean, it's part of my DNA handed down from the afore-mentioned Mom and Grandma, so I feel no guilt in placing clean bathrooms as my headliner for the day.
It's my least favorite task of all. I'd rather wash mini-blinds and windows! Which are on my radar.  The floor scrubbing I don't mind, but I do wish it wasn't raining so I could hang my rugs outside to dry.


Question: How do you rank cleaning baths on a scale from 1 to 10 with 1 being love and 10 being hate?

Friday-  I'll take a stab at cleaning out the foyer closet. It looks like a mini-shoe store exploded in there. Now that we are in the midst of Indian summer, we have sandals, flip flops and slides vying for space with boots, Sperry's and sneakers. I have to push and shove to shut the door. A clear sign that I must take up this challenge! I won't even delve into the upper shelf where I store the hats, gloves and mittens, nope, I am picking my battles wisely so I'll have time to properly primp and arrive at my youngest daughters class fall party fresh as a daisy on time! ( which means 20 minutes early to help set up) and full of happiness!

Question:  Why must schools schedule all parties at the same time and in the afternoon when the kids are frazzled? We won't mention the adults here, that's got the makings of a great blog post later on.

So that's my week of domestic bliss, well almost bliss if I could do away with the bathrooms but that is highly unlikely isn't it?

I hope you'll take a minute to answer a question or two. Remember to laugh with your loved ones and pick one task and dive in!

Settling In

in , by Linda A Kinsman, Friday, October 07, 2011
I love Fall! It is as simple and complete as that! Fall to me is a perfect time to settle in and prepare for the season ahead, just like all the furry critters scampering around on our property.

Fall Mums

Now that I've weathered the frustrating growth that all blogs must go through and settled on a clear and true course, I will happily share with you all the thing's near and dear to my homemakers heart.

 Like my new tag line says, I will be: Putting the focus on home on my daily adventures in Wahmdom.

Ah, it feels so good to be settled and have a clear action plan! I should have known better than to stray to far a-field from what I know and love.

I wish you all a very happy day, a blessed weekend and because I've been too busy until now to say it:


Fall by daughter
Painted by my 8 yr. old Ms. M.

P.S. LinkWithin assures me that my old posts will stop being shared once Googlebots visit my site again. I apologize for the outdated links.

Wordless Wednesday

in , , by Linda A Kinsman, Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Not exactly wordless I know, but I wanted to share this poem with you.  I very carefully extracted this from one of my magazines a few years back and scanned it in so I could share it with my friends. Today I thought I'd share it with my new friends: you.   My readers who have been lifting me up and helping me out lately, so read this poem and know I am thinking of you!

Ode To Women

If indeed it's a race
Then the chicks do the most
It isn't a brag
Or an estrogen boast
It's women who've led me
With big open hearts
If not for their love
I'd have failed at the start
And it's not just the mothers
I speak of them all
It's a woman there first when somebody falls!

The multi of tasking
That's easy to tease
I dare a great man
to try it all, PLEASE!
So this is my shout out
My rallying cry
To women all over
I hold you up high
And though there are others
Who think this poem strange
It's the women who plant
The root of big change.

Author: Jamie Lee Curtis

Hellmann's Chicken Challenge

in , , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Thursday, September 29, 2011

When I received this invitation from One2One Network, I immediately signed up. I cook alot of chicken and just like most Moms I know, I love discovering new and tasty ways to serve chicken. While Mayo is not my favorite cooking ingredient, the rest of my family likes it, so these recipes would be easy for me to use in my weekly menu's.

Doesn't this Parmesan Crusted Chicken look good?

Hellmann's is on a mission to help moms break out of their dinner menu monotony by offering such easy, delicious and family-friendly recipes as Parmesan Crusted Chicken.  With only four ingredients and four simple steps, it's on of most popular recipe.

Join in the Hellmann’s Chicken Challenge each week at as Parmesan Crusted Chicken goes head-to-head with other tasty, juicy chicken recipes.

Cast your vote for your favorite and enter the sweepstakes for a chance to win one of four $250 grocery gift cards each week. Click HERE to vote now.  For more information on the Chicken Challenge or Hellmann’s products and recipes, visit .

Please stop back by and let me know what recipe you voted for. Do you share recipes on your blog? I follow several, so please feel free to add yours in the comment section below, I'd love to visit.

Thanks as always for reading and good luck on winning the grocery gift card.
Speaking of winning, by sharing this with you, my partner One2One network will enter me in their drawing for a $ 50 dollar gift card.

Wordless Wednesday- Are you serious??

in , by Linda A Kinsman, Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I've always loved looking at and commenting on the Wordless Wednesday posts I've come across in my bloggy travels.  I've said countless times, " this looks like fun, I should do it".
On Monday I was going through the ba-zillon photos I've got stored on the family computer, when I happened upon this gem.

WW are you serious?

Now, I've just gotta say, I have no idea what I was saying or to whom. I know this was taken on Christmas day at my sis-in laws, so I know I was in complete control of all of my faculties, if you know what I mean.

There was no imbibing or adult type merry making, just a typical family holiday with a hostess who likes to stay on schedule.  ( Okay, I'm not pointing fingers, or judging, but for those without kids from those with kids, these events can't be rushed, you need to allot more time than you think; just a friendly F.Y.I.).   

Maybe I was reacting to the " Hey, who's ready to eat" question I seem to remember. ( Smile) We were still knee deep in unopened gifts at the time... just a thought, what do you think?

Have a wonderful, full of happiness and sunshine, over the hump day!