Torani Syrups Review & Giveaway

in , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Monday, December 12, 2011

Since I’d never tried Torani syrups before, I was happy to learn I’d been selected to review their products via SheSpeaks.


About Torani

Torani flavored syrups are part of San Francisco’s heritage. With handwritten recipes from their Italian hometown, Rinaldo and Ezilda Torre introduced Torani syrups to San Francisco in 1925. In the back of their grocery store, they pressed fruits, nuts and spices, blended extracts with cane sugar and water in redwood vats and then fine-tuned the flavor.  A true labor of love that has paid off for Torani, now the # 1 brand of flavored syrups in America, offering over 100 flavors.
I got to try to wonderful flavors: sugar free Vanilla and Pumpkin Pie.


The Review

I tried the sugar free Vanilla in my coffee first, adding 1 oz. to my coffee as instructed on the bottle. The aroma was inviting and I couldn’t wait to try my morning cup, but yikes, was it ever sweet! Perhaps an ounce is for a venti. I’m slowly learning to use the vanilla syrup properly, it is delicious, and my daughters love it full strength in their cafĂ© au lait.
However, I like the Pumpkin Pie flavoring full strength in my coffee. For my daughters, I made Pumpkin Pie floats with:
·        1 oz. Torani Pumpkin Pie flavored syrup
·        1 scoop vanilla ice cream
·        6 fl. oz. of ginger ale
Makes 1 float.

I highly recommend Torani syrups and will be purchasing them again, especially since I‘ve got my eye on their Blackberry syrup!

How would you like to try one of Torani’s amazing syrups? Well, just enter my give away below for two coupons for two free bottles of Torani Syrup! (maximum value $8.00 each).

Since there can only be one winner, I’d like to offer you a chance to save using  coupon code “shespeaks” to save 10% at!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wordless Wednesday

in , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Wednesday, December 07, 2011
What my daughters really want for Christmas
 Since we only like dogs, rather than love them we know they aren't a good match for our family, so I don't think this will ever happen... but never say never right?

Maybe another kitty is in order.

Are you giving a pet as a gift this year?

Drop Cookie Dough the kids can eat!

in , by Linda A Kinsman, Tuesday, December 06, 2011

  Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies

Baking season is in full swing at our house and as December elbowed out November, I pulled out this tried and true drop cookie recipe. I clipped this from the local Williamson County Parent magazine in 2005.
You are going to love these simple, yummy cookies! Our plate didn't look like that for long.
The very best part is this is a no egg recipe so your kiddies~ and you can eat the dough!
Stir up a batch of fun and happy memories today with your family. Enjoy!

The Basic Chocolate Chip Drop Cookie

Yield: 3 to 5 dozen, depending on cookie size
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 9 to 11 minutes (longer with larger cookies)


·         2 cups (1 12-ounce bag) chocolate chips
·         2 sticks butter, margarine or shortening, softened
·         1 ½  cups sugar (or brown sugar or both blended)
·         3 tablespoons water
·         3 tablespoons oil
·         2 teaspoons vanilla
·         2 ¼ cups flour
·         2 teaspoons baking powder
·         1 teaspoon baking soda
·         1 teaspoon salt


1.       Preheat oven to 375°.
2.       In large mixer bowl, beat margarine and sugar until creamy.
3.       Beat in water, oil, and vanilla.
4.       Stir together dry ingredients, gradually add to sugar mixture.
5.        Drop dough by rounded spoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheets.
6.       Bake at 375° for 9 to 11 minutes, until golden.
7.       Leave on cookie sheets for a few minutes, then transfer to cooling racks. Store in an airtight container.

I've also baked up a few dozen Old Fashioned Oatmeal Raisin Cookies which turned out really well I think in large part because I used dark brown sugar.

What is your favorite cookie recipe? Please share!

Declaring Email Bankruptcy!

in , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Monday, November 28, 2011
Email Overload

I have been a fan of Amy at Blogging with Amy for almost as long as I've been blogging. Her advice is spot on and usually very timely.  I have learned many tips and tricks from her and this post was just too perfect for me not to share.

 I logged on this morning to over 15,000 emails! That is not a typo... 15K staring at me and I knew I had to do something!

 Like a beacon in the night, Amy's post:  Increase productivity, Unsubscribe liberally caught my eye, thanks in part to my lame attempt to corral my inbox by setting up alerts so there was a handy yellow arrow drawing my eye to it.

Thanks Gmail and Thanks Amy.

After reading her tips, I'm hoping for a streamlined inbox soon.  I am say Yes! To Email Bankruptcy!

Need some inbox help? I invite you to read:

Increase productivity. Unsubscribe liberally.

I hope you find this as helpful as I did. Do you have an inbox tip you'd like to share?

Please leave a comment here!

12/5/11: Update: I did it! I am at ZERO in my inbox! Boy, that feels Good! Go ahead, take the plunge and declare email bankruptcy too! It's liberating and Gmail rewards with this sweet note:
No new mail! Want to read updates from your favorite sites? Try Google Reader


in , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Saturday, November 26, 2011

I've been taking it easy the last few days, truly enjoying my dear family and the spirit of Thanksgiving.

I tried reaching out to some of my girlfriends before the craziness of the "holidays" set in, but sadly I found several already too busy, or worse too engrossed in their own " stuff" to really connect with me.  I got off the phone wondering if the call was even worth it.

This saddens me, because female friendships can be hard-won and tricky to keep, especially as we get older. I try to value the friends I have, but friendship must be reciprocal to thrive! I wondered why they couldn't see all they had to be thankful for? Was I living in my own rosy little world?
I know my best friend is happy and I am so very thankful for her.

 But the rest of my circle? I have doubts.

So when I saw this movie over at Simple Truths I just had to share it. Maybe one or two of my " friends" will watch it and realize that alot of the stuff they " talked " with me about is mentioned within.
 Oh, and they might also notice that they never stopped to ask me how I was. Maybe they just figured I was still happy-go-lucky me... but it would have been nice for them to check.

 In the end, it's all good because I really care about them and I've learned over the years to lighten up and not take everything personally .. but I am going to keep my heart open to new friends.

I hope you will enjoy
Simple Truths-it's not just me

and remember this little diddy:

Make New Friends
But Keep the Old
One is Silver
and the other Gold

How do to stay connected with your friends? How do you invite new friends into your circle?

From Our Home to Yours

in , by Linda A Kinsman, Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Praise rises from thankful hearts, bringing heaven a little closer, making life a little sweeter.

 In this bounty of blessings we call family, friends, and home are found the very reasons that hearts can overflow with thankfulness, with happiness, with love.

 Wishing you Thanksgiving joy.

Purell Hand Sanitizer Review & Giveaway

in , , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Monday, November 14, 2011

I was only too happy to do a review for BzzAgent and Purell considering I buy hand sanitizers in bulk and we use them throughout the year.

I received this Bzz Kit:
4 Jelly  wrap carriers with mini oz. bottles of Purell and pass-along coupons that you can win in my 1st ever giveaway! 
 Do you like dollar off coupons as much as I do? How about ones with no expiration date?  
 Enter my contest below to win ( 5) $ 1.00 off coupons for Purell products * oz. or larger.

The Review:

Over the years, we have tried a plethora of hand sanitizers trying to find just the right combination of:
·         Scent: my family won’t use overly scented ones, especially my husband who never wants to smell like a scented candle.
·         Dry time: Those with Aloe or Lotion are nice, but they take forever to dry! Not good at lunch or snack time at school for my girls, or for a quick squirt after getting back in the car while shopping.
·         Ease of Use: A good pump and/or an easy open top goes a long way with us.

I am very happy to say Purell meets all of our needs and I would highly recommend this product!

·     Purell is easy and convenient to use: both my girls hooked theirs to their backpacks and use them at school daily before eating lunch or snacks.
I carry mine in my purse and use it all the time! Especially while shopping; after I see a runny nose or a cougher right by what I’m getting ready to pick up.
Hubby put his in his truck so he can quickly stash it in a pocket before he enters stores or meetings.
·    Purell has a mild, pleasant scent, gentle on our hands, not over drying with moisturizers and vitamin E and dry quickly without ever feeling sticky!

Thanks BzzAgent and Purell for giving me the opportunity to review, share and host my 1st giveaway.