I have been a busy little bee around the home office this week, but now it's time for me to turn my focus back to domestic pursuits, cause folks, you just can't decorate an unclean home anymore than you can entertain in one.
I've looked at several Fall Cleaning Checklists, but found them to be to generalized, so I decided to make a weekly checklist of what I'm doing and share it here with you. I hope you find this list helpful. If you do, please feel free to print out a copy for yourself and pin it for others to use. Now, let's roll up our sleeves and get some fall cleaning done.
Inside: Bedrooms:
- Clean ceilings, walls, ceiling fans and light fixtures
- Flip mattresses
- Wash mattress and pillow covers
- Bring cold weather linens out of storage, wash if needed
- Vacuum baseboards
- Vacuum behind beds and dressers
- Clean window treatments as needed (don’t wash windows yet!)
- De-clutter nightstands, recycle reading material as needed
- Hang/put away all clothing
- Find proper home for anything out of place
Helpful Tips:
- Wrap your broom with an old tee shirt and secure with a rubber band to clean ceilings and walls.
- Always clean from top to bottom going clockwise around the room.
- Put a laundry basket at the door to place “found* items in to take to their proper home later.
- Turn on your favorite upbeat music and go!
Be sure to check back next Friday for week two's Fall Cleaning Checklist where we will tackle the living room and other common area's of your home and start working on some outdoor fall cleaning projects.
Are we friends? Be sure to follow My WAHM Plan on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. I'd love to see your Fall projects, so be sure to tag me or leave a comment here on your recent Fall posts.