Showing posts with label tweens

Kids are going to love NoizyBandz

in , , , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Thursday, March 07, 2013

I am always on the lookout for new gift ideas for my daughters and this one is a keeper. 

May I introduce:  NoizyBandz is the World's First Bandz That Play Music! 


Noizy Bandz Children's wristbands are musical, educational and a whole lot of fun! Watch your children light up as they hear the music and fun sounds coming from their wristbands that they control. 

First of its kind, expect more from your silicone bandz check out Noizy Bandz and hear the music at Great for all ages and all occasions. Have a Birthday party give a musical Happy Birthday band instead of a card kids just go crazy for them. 

musical bands gifts for kids

 Click HERE  to grab your coupon code to save $1.00 off each band and get free shipping and then check them out at  

I think these would be a perfect party favor, or a nice add on to an Easter Basket.  

The smiley sunshine has caught my eye. Which one would you choose for your kids?

Dear Barbie, Your Days are Numbered

in , , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I know you are a Mega- Super Star and all Barbie, but at my house you are losing your status big time. 

Barbie dolls

 You have been an elite member of our home for over 12 years, reigning supreme over playrooms, play dates and wish lists for so long that it surprised me when you did not make the all-important Christmas wish list for my youngest daughter this year.

She always and I mean always asks for either the collectible Barbie or a new Barbie set and accessories.  Again, you were strangely absent from the same said daughter’s birthday wish list a month later.  

The love affair of all things Barbie started early with both daughters:

Barbie car
Santa brought Melissa her own Barbie car so she wouldn't have to "borrow" her sisters.

Collectible Barbie

Both girls wanted this collectible Barbie but only one got it, which may explain the next picture.

Kelly doll collection
Clearly a 30+ piece Kelly Collection is not what she wanted.

As your popularity started to wane yearly, the collection was downsized and moved to a corner of each daughter’s room. 
Then just the youngest daughters room, until now Barbie; you have been downsized until you live in two bins in the back on my ten year old's closet. 
The cars are parked on the opposite side of the closet with purses and backpacks on top. Clearly not ready to roll at a moment’s notice like in your hay-day.

This realization caused a moment of reflection for me as I tried to remember at what age my oldest daughter gave all her Barbie’s to my youngest.
 It’s a hazy memory, not one that is seared in my mind like the first lost tooth or first day of kindergarten, but I do think she was around ten.

Yep, your days are truly numbered Barbie. 

When I asked Melissa about it, she said she still liked Barbie’s okay and might play with them more if she still had the big Barbie house (which she said was okay for me to get rid of last summer) and if Barbie would just stick to the classic look and not launch a new doll for every new book and movie character that comes out.  Hmm… stick to the classics - Smart girl.

I’m turning pages quickly in the books of life with my daughters, reaching milestones in their teen and tween worlds. Some make me happy, some are bittersweet. This Barbie thing is the latter.  I can’t count the hours I’ve spent playing Barbie’s with my girls.

So yes, I’m putting you on notice Barbie, you seem to have shelf life of about 10 years and then you are relegated to a corner in the closet and then… who knows?

But before I let go completely, I am going to ask my daughters to play Barbie’s this weekend. I bet I get at least one taker.

Is there a special toy languishing in the bottom of a toy box or closet at your house too? What is it? 

Do you think you should invite your kids for one more play date with that toy? 

How I got to be a Cool Mom for a Day

in , , , , , , , , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Monday, February 11, 2013

It all happened innocently enough. The kids were out of school for Martin Luther King Junior Day, so I offered to take my 13 year old and just turned 10 year old daughter and a friend each to Dunkin Donuts. They were very happy and started running down the list of their friends, bemoaning how hard it was going to be to pick just one. But they muddled through. 

Courtesy: Dunkin Donuts

Ms. T texted and received a speedy quick affirmative reply. Ms. M’s invitation was done the old fashioned way. A text invitation was sent from my phone, because GASP! I have not caved and bought Ms. M her own phone yet. But that is for another post.

So, did the invite make me cool? In a word, no. 

Nice Mom maybe, but not cool. As any Mom of a teen or tween daughter will attest, coolness is hard won. We Moms are watched and judged quickly by this billion dollar industry group. I have two under my roof, so I know what uncool looks and sounds like. The girls teach me constantly.

As fate would have it, Ms’ M’s friend had to cancel at the last minute due to a stomach bug. Even though Ms. M was sad to not have a decaf latte and donut with her friend, she rose above and happily announced that I could be her friend.  Okay, that is a mini-cool isn’t it? 

We went and picked up Ms. T’s friend and set off for Dunkin Donuts, chatting all the way there.  We were all in high spirits as we set down with our donuts, iced coffees and lattes and the conversation from the car naturally flowed to our table chatter, which was, of course about clothes! That’s when I innocently asked if Ms. T had shared Polyvore with her friend Ms. P.

That is when I became cool!

 Armed with tablets and smart phones, these charming girls started raving about how cool Polyvore was and how cool I was to have shared it with them and how did I even know about it anyway Mrs. Kinsman?

Since Ms. P asked, I shared that I had been asked to write a post on my blog for No Nonsense leggings or tights and part of the requirements for this paid opportunity was to make a Polyvore board.

Double coolness washed over me as these girls gave me, yes me! all manner of attention and asked me tons of questions about blogging and even my opinion on fashion. 

When was the last time you got to talk about your job to the under 14 crowd and keep their attention for more than a second?

Pause for a moment Moms and share my coolness moment… yeah, it felt good!

Ms. T's Collection

Ms. T and Ms. P shared their boards and pins with me. Ms. P even shared a site I hadn’t ever heard of, it’s that cool and so totally non-Mom! 
I have it bookmarked for later. 

And I had to give Ms. M. permission to design on my Polyvore account as well.

 I really like their collections so far.

Pretty Floral
Ms. M's Collection

Will this coolness last? I don’t know. I will be happy with just nice Mom status. But I do know of this place called Beso  I’ve been eyeing that has awesome home décor, fashion and beauty I might have to share soon. 
Stay tuned.

If you are hooked on Pinterest and you like fashion and beauty, you will quickly become hooked on Polyvore too. Feel free to follow me at either place and don’t forget to let you teen and tween know where you are pinning. You might just be a Cool Mom for it.

You're welcome. 

Leave a comment with your user name at either place so I can follow you back!

Disclosure: This post contains an affiliate link to Beso. If you click on certain links, I may receive compensation. Not enough to buy a donut though. :-)