Happily Breaking Rules

in , , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Monday, April 30, 2012
Courtesy of NACWE

Happy Monday! We had a beautiful, restful weekend here at Casa Kinsman. I hope you enjoyed your weekend as well.

 I’d like to take a moment to announce my new and improved tagline: Keeping the focus on home as a work at home mom.  
I am thankful that after many tagline attempts, I have finally thought of one that allows me to :
A. Tell those who don’t know what WAHM stands for and
 B. that I’m all about my home life. Without it and the wonderful people who share it with me, I would be lost!

Okay, I’m admitting it right here and now:  I did not like the rigidness of writing out my action plan and sharing it. 
Not that I don’t want to share… no, I do so enjoy sharing; it’s just that the act of typing everything out, trying to get the numbers to align here on Blogger (what gives html)? And then doing it all again on Friday was, well, tedious.

Doing this type of post looked oh-so-good on paper and followed the “rules” I’ve been reading from the pro bloggers. But, I hated it, so I’m chucking the whole thing! No more Monday and my plans.

But wait, doesn’t that fly in the face of blog schedules and continuity and flow? Yep, I’m sure it does, but I don’t care. No, really, I don’t care. 
Because I firmly believe in the quote by David Allen in the picture above: “You can do anything, but not everything.”

What a powerful message! Each and every time I over reach, or more to the point, over-think my life, I get stressed, so today and every day I will remember what I can and cannot do. And I will happily break a rule or two along the way if it means peace and harmony and balance.

How about you? Are you happily breaking a rule? Or are you still trying to be super woman doing everything?