Earn extra cash like I do with Avon

in , , , , , , , , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Normally on a Wednesday, I would be sharing a Wordless Wednesday post showcasing what I’m  enjoying in my life. From felines to flowers, I’ve done a lot of WW sharing over the last seven years. Yep, My WAHM Plan is seven years old this month and instead of celebrating its longevity to the fullest- I’m going to share a part of my life most bloggers fear sharing. I’m burned out

I’m tired, oh, so tired of all the moving parts of blogging for an income. Income is the reason for this post today my friends. I earn extra cash every week with my side hustle business Avon! Read on to learn a little history of My WAHM Plan and earning then and now.

Earn extra cash with Avon