Showing posts with label sales

My local radio station has switched over to Christmas music, I’ve made my annual homemade cranberry sauce, pumpkin pies will go in the oven soon and I’m waiting for my daughters to get home, which means we are almost ready to celebrate Thanksgiving and all this wonderful holiday represents. It also means its time to start shopping for the best Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals and sales we can find on gifts! That’s why I’m excited to introduce you to a new, easy to use savings app- Simply Codes. They really do make saving simply delightful, and they are hosting a $50 Sephora gift card giveaway!

Happy Holidays!

Simply Codes saving app makes saving simply delightful + Sephora Gift Card Giveaway

September finds me shifting gears

in , , , , , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Happy September dear readers. Fall is almost here, can you feel it? I enjoyed a wonderful relaxing Labor Day weekend and hope you did too. 


I needed to relax, because my August zoomed right on past me with a full plate of work, family and school activities leaving very little time to fret about the state of my blog.

But fret I did. 

See, in the blogging world, August was a really bad month for me. Truth be told, the whole summer was bad. And while I had originally thought I would share all the details with you because the devil is in the details; ultimately I decided on a condensed version.

So here goes: I had my naïve little bubble popped and was schooled on how blogging and networking with the big girls and boys really goes down. 

From buying Twitter followers to ghost writers, to whole teams churning out content and then sharing it  24/7, I have had my eyes opened.  I naively thought that some of the bloggers I aspired to be like actually wrote most of their content or at the very least, shared their own Pinterest pins. But no, most of them hire others to do that.

I’m not saying all bloggers are doing this, and I’m not saying that outsourcing and delegating are bad - I’m saying I don’t want to do this to be a professional blogger. I don’t have the time or the money to feed the blogger beast. 

So, now what you say?

I’m totally taking the pressure of myself and my little blog that could by adding another income stream. One I know from past experience works well for me, Avon. 

Yep! I’m an Avon lady! 

Shop my store

I just rejoined on the 28th of August and on the 29th I got my first order! Now that is a positive ROI (return on investment) I can handle.

 I won’t change things up too much here on the blog, but I will share a product of the week with you.

 If you have been thinking of adding a new income stream, I invite you to join my Avon team. You can read more about it here. It’s only 10 dollars to join and I know lots of Bloggers who are also in direct sales. Inbox me at 4lkinsatgmaildotcom with any questions you may have or fill out my contact form here

I hope September finds you safe and secure financially and otherwise. But if you are discontent, I urge you to take out a pen and paper and plot a change of course. September is the perfect time of year for new beginnings.