Showing posts with label girls

For most families, spring break has come and gone in a blink. This March looks vastly different than last year where spring break vacations and camps were the norm. Today, I’m welcoming a guest post from the American Camp Association on their virtual camps starting this week. I hope you'll find this list of ten free ACA virtual camps helpful. All camps listed below are available to join and enjoy immediately.

Ten Free ACA Virtual Camps for Kids:

Boys smiling at camp

Being a Mom of a teenager can be tricky; being a mom of a teen age girl can be sticky.  I say this because, if a parent isn’t very careful, she will find herself in one sticky situation after another because teenage girls are full of emotions. That’s why I was thrilled to receive a complimentary copy of Enough by Kate Conner via Flyby Promotions to review and host a giveaway. 

Enough by Kate Conner book cover #10things

I couldn’t wait for this book to arrive. Even though I have a good relationship with my 15 yr. old daughter, I’m open to learning all I can about parenting, especially during the turbulent teens years.

Once my copy arrived, I turned the book over to read the back jacket as I always do and these are the words that greeted me.

  • You are beautiful.
  • You are valuable.
  • You are enough.

Those are powerful, beautiful and truthful words.  Words that I daresay we do not hear enough in our lives so please take a moment and read those three sentences again. And if you take nothing else with you after you read this post- I will feel honored that I could share those truths with you. 

About the Author:

Kate Conner is a 28 year old writer, blogger, speaker, Southerner- hailing from North Carolina, Mom of 3, Counselor of teenage girls, Daughter of Christ, thrift store shopper. That’s what I got from her bio on Enough. After reading this book though, I discovered Kate is so much more than her bio. She’s smart, funny, real, and authentic, the kid sister I never had and the big sister influence teenage girls need. 

About Enough- #10 things we should be telling teenage girls

Quotes from Enough book by Kate Conner #10things

This book was born from a blog post on March 25, 2012. I never read Kate’s “10 things I want to tell teenage girls” postbut apparently I was completely out of the loop, because 2 million other people read it in just two weeks. After reading Enough, where Kate expands and explains her 10 things, I can see why her post was so wildly popular.

Quotes from Enough book by Kate Conner #10things

Kate touches on the teenage girl of today; she talks openly about why men and boys stare, modesty and why how we look matters. She talks openly about drama, using words as weapons and over-sharing on social media. She shares insights into being female and controlling our emotions instead of our emotions controlling us. 

Quotes from Enough book by Kate Conner #10things

In essence, Kate covers most of the power struggle, hot bed topics that will or may have already come up with your teenage girl.  I enjoyed this book and found it to be a valuable resource. 

If you have found yourself arguing with your teenage girl about clothing, dating, friends etc. and don’t want to wage another war- hand her this book, tell her it’s a “must read” and walk away. She’ll read it and learn from it.  My daughter read it and really liked. While our parenting mirrors Kate's wise words- she touched on subjects in a new and different way that resonated with my daughter.

 I even recommend that Moms with teenage sons read this book, because if it hasn’t happened yet- girl drama will affect your son and what better way to help him navigate this area than to have an insight?

You can learn more about Enough here and Kate by visiting her sites: 

Quotes from Enough book by Kate Conner #10things

The Giveaway:

One lucky reader will receive a paper back copy of About Enough- #10 things we should be telling teenage girls courtesy of Propeller Consulting, LLC. Entering is easy using the Rafflecopter form below.  Terms: Open to U.S. residents 18+. No purchase necessary to enter/win. My WAHM Plan is not responsible for prize fulfillment. Giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook. Read full terms and conditions on Rafflecopter form. 

Good Luck!

Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.
 Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.

Rage Against Mini- Skanks

in , , , , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Monday, August 26, 2013

Can I wear makeup? Lots of other girls do? My answer: No!

Can I dye my hair? So and so has highlights? My answer: No!

Then can I Kool-Aid the bottom? Everybody does. My answer: maybe.

Can I get contacts? My answer: Not yet.

Can I wear high heels? My answer: Really? Seriously?

I’m not raising you to be some mini-skank I say. Using the terminology she will understand. Afterall, she heard it first at school. 

 Skank - Derogatory term for a (usually younger) female, implying trashiness or tackiness, lower-class status, poor hygiene, flakiness, and a scrawny, pockmarked sort of ugliness. May also imply promiscuity, but not necessarily. Can apply to any race, but most commonly used to describe white trash. Source Urban dictionary.


*Sigh*. Some of you may think I’m referencing snippets of conversation with my 14 year old daughter, but no. Sadly, these are all exchanges between my 10 year old daughter and me.

Yes, 10! Okay, 10 and half if you really want to get technical, but please see my point: She is not a teen yet and I won’t let you have her immoral society!  I will rage against you with all my might! You aren’t getting her when she’s a teen either!

 Even her 14 year old sister does not have this kind of peer pressure! She’s a freshman in high school and she and her friends show way less skin than the majority of elementary school girls my daughter has to swim with. These are some seriously shark infested waters and while my dear daughter knows I’m going say no to stuff, she still feels compelled to ask. She doesn't want to be a mini- skank anymore than I want her to, so why the questions?

One word: Recess. 

Do you know what the topic of conversation is at a 5th grade recess? You would be shocked!  The populars and even the want to be populars are taking things up a notch. Hang on Moms of little daughters, you are about to get schooled.

Did you know it’s “weird” if you don’t already shave or wax your legs? Did you know that wearing a padded bra makes you "sexy" and "regular" girls who are maturing at a normal rate, like my daughter aren't "sexy"? 
 Did you know that watching R rated movies and T.V. with or without parental supervision is normal? And woe is the child who has no idea what the  other girls are talking about because they'll hear, "um, like, you're weird." Don't even get me started on books. 

Did you know that it is abnormal to come from a full on functioning family? One that has a Mom and a Dad at home every blooming night?
 Did you know that your daughters and sons for that matter are supposed to have already been dating, or at the very least have a crush on somebody?

 Now you do. All this according to the girls doing their best to be mini-skanks and drag all the good girls down with them at the ripe old age of ten. Lord help me.  

What is wrong with this world? They are kids! Just kids! Parents, please wake up.  Don’t help them aspire to be mini- skanks. Don’t teach them that gossip and name calling and being “sexy” is all that life is about. Don't condone mean girl behavior just so they can be popular, or run with the populars, or the want to be populars!

I know it is unpopular for me to even bring this up but isn't it about time somebody does?

I compromise when and where I can so that I don’t make my daughters a social outcast. I try not to see the shorty shorts and multiple bra and cami straps hanging out everywhere when I go to school to volunteer or have lunch with my 10 year old. 
 I make sure I compliment my daughters choices AND her friends choice of attire when I can. A “cute” outfit compliment can go a long way.

I try not to pre-judge the parents of those girls who are clearly breaking dress code. I try not to be upset that I am one of the few reading the flippin’ dress code!

 I try not to be a prude… but some of the parents around here or maybe everywhere, are too tired or non- caring to put their foot down and say no. Or, maybe they see the over sexualization of our kids as okay, or at the very least, no big deal.  Geez, maybe I am a prude. 

 I remember to be thankful for the parents and girls at our schools swimming upstream with my daughter and me.

At the end of the day, it simply isn’t my job to teach or preach or raise the world. Only my daughters.  My beautiful, sweet, fun daughters who have morals and values and thankfully have found birds of a feather to flock with.

I thumb my nose at you mini- skanks of the world, you can’t have them and here’s a newsflash they really don’t want to be like you, they just want you to shut up on the playground or in the halls and leave everybody alone.  

End Rage.

So, how’s your Monday?