Oh February, how I want to love you. You are positively filled with celebration days: National Freedom Day (2/1), Groundhog Day (2/2), Valentine's Day (2/14), Mardi Gras (2/17) Chinese New Year (2/19).
All of these days fill my mind with vivid colors just thinking about how I might decorate to celebrate the day- but it's not enough. I want to look out my window and see a colorful landscape, but dear February, you just can't manage that.
What you can manage and do provide most beautifully is glorious sunrises and sunsets. It was a toss up which I'd pick for this months color, but in the end, the sunsets won.
Here's a photo of a resent sunset in my neck of the woods.
And here's my Pinterest board for this month. I hope you like it!
If you have a sunset photo you'd like me to see, or other pins (family friendly) that boast a sunset pink vibe, let me know in comments and I'll add it to my board.
Stay Warm!
Please share in comments: Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets and why?