It’s the most wonderful time of the year, so says the holiday songs, but for some, it has been such a hard year, it may be difficult for them to see the good. Amid all the black Friday and cyber Monday calls to shop and spend, shining a light on a giving day is one of my favorites to write about and share.
Help Your Community Today!
Courtesy: Giving In a world where loneliness seems pervasive in every generation, getting involved in our communities may be just the thing we all need to help us feel connected. Why not start on Giving Tuesday? It can be as simple, and cost saving as you need it to be! I’ve been involved for many years, and have covered it here on the blog, but not recently, so today is the day I change that by sharing six free or low cost ways to get involved today. One: Free Idea! Write Happy Love Notes on Sidewalks:This is a free way to show your love and support for your community. Grab some chalk and get creative! This is a perfect after school activity for you and the kids. Why not bundle up and go outside and draw something? You can use #LoveNotes and #GivingTuesday in your creations if you’d like. Two: Low Cost Idea! Create or join a local Pantry for Pets:Helping feed people has been something I've been passionate about most of my life. I give food and monetary donations throughout the year, but especially during the hard winter months. I know a lot of you do the same because I see you at the store, and other food drop off locations. This year, why don’t we grab a bag of dog or cat food for our furry friends? You can read more about this idea at the Giving Tuesday site. |
Three: Free Idea! Be Kind and Generous and Kind to the Essential Workers today:
I am a natural smiler and say thank you easily. I know some people are much more shy and have to work on things like this, but you can still participate today by showing generosity and kindness.
Thank your postal carrier, delivery driver, and other essential workers. Write thank you cards, post on social media, and share your appreciation for the people and organizations who are helping your community.
Four: Free and low cost idea! Give Your Time and Talents:
I’m a writer, content creator and marketer, so today, I knew I’d write about this topic to help spread the word within my online community. It costs me very little time and effort to write and share this post and link back to I’ll also be on the lookout for the hashtag #GivingTuesday online today and will interact with the social shares whenever possible.
Other ways you can help include:Free or low cost:
- Haircuts
- Marketing expertise
- Legal advice
- Tutoring
- Coaching
- Accounting services
- Business help
- Workouts
- Music lessons
- Babysitting
- Pet Sitting
Five: Low Cost Idea! Wrap your community in Warmth:
I was moved when I read about this community initiative in Omaha, Nebraska. It’s such a heartwarming way to help! For their #GivingTuesday, Secret Kindness Agents adorned trees and lamp posts with scarves, mittens, hats, and socks, many of which they had lovingly knitted themselves.
Each warm item had a label that simply said, “I’m not lost! If you are out in the cold, please take this to keep warm.” The labels also provided crucial information about how to access the nearby warming shelter and a phone number for arranging transportation. If you don’t have the knitting skills needed, you could do like I do and purchase these items to donate.
Courtesy:GivingTuesday.Org |
Six: Free and Low Cost Idea! Check out the Giving Every Tuesday Calendar:
If you want to continue spreading happiness and cheer beyond today, or the holiday season, then take a moment to join the Giving Tuesday global community in giving back every Tuesday! Sign up to receive each week’s prompt for how you can help your neighbors, community, and world. Next Tuesday’s prompt is: Adopt a Grandparent.
I hope you’ll take a moment to join me today by getting involved in your local community.
Happy Holidays!
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