Winter Weather Closes Schools in middle Tennessee

in , , , , , , , by Linda A Kinsman, Tuesday, December 10, 2013

We watch the evening news, hoping the bad weather will be close enough to warrant the happily awaited call from the school district announcing school closings. But, bedtime comes and the call still hasn’t come in, so the girls put on their PJ’s inside out and hang a sock on their bedroom door in an effort to bring on their heartfelt desire for snow!
The sleet starts tinkling off the roof and deck by 11pm- but still no call. The children are nestled all snug in their beds with visions of snow balls dancing in their heads- but the snow didn’t come. Just rain, sleet then ice.

At 5am, we get the school call that my husband and I knew had to come because we saw the icy sheen on our road before we finally fell asleep.
We turned off the alarms and snuggle down for some precious, indulgent sleep-in time. Secure in the knowledge that as small business owners, we only answer to ourselves if we don’t make it into work on time.

We are blessed in that way- and we know it. I still remember clearly working for a boss who didn’t care how treacherous the commute – if he could make it in, we were all supposed to make it in. Ditto, my husband’s boss, who had a big 4 wheel Jeep that could have made it through any type of weather.

As we watched the news this morning and saw all the wrecks from people spinning on ice not just here, but all across our great Nation- I stopped and said a prayer for all the Moms and Dads who had to be out in this mess for their job.  Our wee bit of ice is rapidly melting in the sun, but I know by the evening commute- some of our country roads will be slippery again.

I pray and think “But for the Grace of God go I.” I know that could easily be me out there, along with my husband- slipping and sliding and worrying our way to a job we have to get to if we want to eat.

I pray for everyone’s safety.

As I look over at my beloved children- safe and warm with me, while I hear my husband working in his shop, I tear up a little- overcome with my Blessings. 
Getting the call that schools are closed are no big deal here for us, we welcome them! But I know, for some families they are a hardship. I feel sorry for each and every one of them and vow again- not take this moment or my life for granted.

This post- although very heartfelt- is part of my job. Is there a guaranteed paycheck waiting for me on Friday? No. 
But- I wouldn’t trade being home safe and warm for a paycheck- unless I had too. And then I would hope somebody would pray for my safe return home too.

I bid your safe travels and warmth and happiness on your return home today and if you are blessed like me to be at home- stop a moment and take it all in. Capture the moment and enjoy!

Please tell me in comments what winter weather do you have today!
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